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So we started reading this book about Ebola in English class so I decided to make it into a scary short story. Enjoy!

I put my book down and look at my clock. 9:00 o'clock. This book is called "The Hot Zone". A lot of my friends think it's gross and scary because of the sickening details, but I think it's rather interesting. How the virus can travel through air or enter open wounds. It scares others but not me. 9:05. I should probably shower now.

I get in the shower at 9:10. After a while, I begin to head weird noises coming from the drain.

It's probably just clogged. With hair or something.

I grab my mirror from outside the shower and stick the skinny handle into the drain. I try to unclog it for a few moments before it starts making a low, gurgly noise. Black stuff spurts from the drain. At first I thought it just was hair, because my hair is black, but then I saw the red specks.

It was the vomito negro (black vomit). Just as described in the book. People with Ebola throw up a black substance. It's how it gets spread. I knew as long as it didn't enter through a wound, I'd be fine. It started surrounding my feet. I started panicking. I was frozen in fear. I tried to escape. I slipped in the shower and fell on my back. It engulfed me. The vomito negro took me over. Entering my body.

Dad's POV

"Sweetie are you okay?" I yell to my daughter through the bathroom door.

She's been in the shower for over an hour. She takes ten minute showers. I knock on the door. I call out to her again. No answer. I turn the knob. The door is locked. I start to panic. I kick the door as hard as I can. It takes three times to knock it down. But after what I saw, I wish I would've kept the door shut.

A thick black substance poured out of the bathroom, knocking me down immediately. I recognized it as vomito negro. Someone who has Ebola throws it up. I'm a doctor and I've given surgery on many Ebola victims. I knew that my daughter was stuck in the shower. I get up to retrieve her. She was laying in the tub, blood pouring from her eyes, nose, mouth, ears, and every other opening of her body. I knew the Ebola had killed her. I knew the Ebola would kill me. I lay down in pain next to my daughter. I close my eyes and let the virus take me over.

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