un • gee uses she/her pronouns and if you don't like it leave

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Frank slid into the lunch seat next to Aspyn like a thirsty fuckboy sliding into somebodies DMs, though there wasn't even that much of a difference. They were both thirsty little shits, even though most of the time they were undeniably attractive. If they stopped asking to play twenty questions all the time, maybe people would start being interested in them.

Of course, Aspyn knew about Frank's little crush on them. They knew it wouldn't last, however, because Frank crushed on people as much as Ryan bought milk for the house, which was quite often. It'd pass, and the two of them would be regular friends again.

They didn't mind the crush on them, of course, because Aspyn knew they were pretty and liked to be told they were pretty, so they'd just keep having Frank play with their hair and get all flustered around them. Maybe they'd flirt back a bit too, but it didn't mean much.

"Maybe if you'd stop staring at Aspyn like they were a reincarnation of Jesus Christ, they'd go on a date with you."

Mikey Way was the younger out of the Way siblings, the other was named Gee, and she was a junior in college.

Anyways, Mikey was incredibly tall and lanky, horrifically unemotional, and had a secret crush on his friend Pete.

Frank scrunched up his nose and broke his gaze from Aspyn, who was drinking their fifth CapriSun since they'd gotten to lunch, like Jesus, they drank it like it was their fucking fuel, "Maybe if you'd stop stealing Pete's jacket he'd fuck you."

In the corner, Taylor had already opened her air horn app and started pressing it repeatedly. Frank was proud. She'd only blare it on special occasions. Frank's blast game was low, so he really needed the self esteem.

"Remember when you gave Gee a blow job for her birthday? She said it was mediocre,"Mikey shot back, Taylor blowing her air horn twice as many times as she'd blown it for Frank.

His blast game was decreasing rapidly. He had to think of something quick because Alex had started recording and he wanted to be remembered well on the worldstarhiphop website.

"You hooked up with Ray on the same day I gave Gee a blowjob, so you can't be talking," Frank fired back quickly.

Mikey scoffed, looking at Aspyn like 'lmao @ this l00zer n00b' before responding, "Frank, but at least I'm a better fuck than you'll ever be."

"Well I've got a better kiss," Frank mumbled.

Brendon slammed his styrofoam plate of milk and a pizza slice across from Frank and scoffed, "While that may be true, Frankie dear, we all know who has the best wit."

"Get forehead reduction surgery, shitfuck," Frank muttered.

"You're still waiting for a growth spurt that's never going to happen," Brendon snorted, sliding his milk to Ryan Ross on the opposite side of the table. Ryan put the milk in a fanny pack he had around his waist, but to Frank it looked like he was putting it up his ass.

He wouldn't be surprised, to be honest.

When Frank couldn't think of anything else to say and started playing with the sleeves on that off-green cardigan he always seemed to fucking have on, Alex stopped recording and deleted the video from his phone, muttering about how he hangs out with weak ass blast noobs and how if it were up to him, the room would be on fire with his slays.


No one really knew what was up with Gee and Frank's relationship, or if there even was any form of relationship between the two of them. The pair were always hooking up, which is why no one ever took Frank seriously when he says he likes them.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2015 ⏰

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