Don't Set Him Free

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Don't Set Him Free - Brink1314

Every school comes with a past; some are just darker than others.

Sixty years ago, Betty Harris was murdered by her abusive high school boyfriend, David Nelson, before he took his own life. David's body was found at the school, but Betty's was never recovered. It's been said that she still haunts the halls of Lakeland High. Every year a group of kids gathers on the anniversary of the deaths as a dare to perform a séance. To up the stakes someone locks them into the third-floor science classroom and doesn't come back until the next morning. In the past, neither ghost has appeared during the séance.

But this year, it turns out a new student, Lilly Jacobs, has psychic abilities. She manages to summon Betty's spirit, but she isn't alone. David stalks after her through the veil. He's even more controlling in death than he had been in life and wants to make sure Betty doesn't leave his side.

David will do anything it takes to get his way and that includes turning the classroom into a war zone with shards of glass, hurtling beakers, chairs and desks to thwart Lilly as she tries to help his "beloved" move on. Can Lilly save her classmates and Betty? Or will the angry spirit of David be too much for them?

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