His Handicapped Wife

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His Handicapped Wife - LuckyCharm007

Mariah never imagined in her life that a physically handicapped girl will become her daughter-in-law!

But Jack thought that she is the perfect match for his son!?

Jake never imagined that he will share his life with a physically handicapped wife, who cannot walk on herself without an arm crutch.

Anna never imagined in her 22 years of life, that she would get married to the most handsome young man, being a physically handicapped girl!

When they get married, will Jake try to work with the wife and husband thing?!

Will Anna get successful in doing her best to gain his attention?!


" Why did you do this?" He asked in a slow voice.

She stopped squirming and looked into his eyes in confusion.

" Why did you do this?" he asked again with a stern voice.

"What are you ... talking about...Jak-?

""Why did you do this?" 

This time he shouted on her face and slammed her hard on the door, again. Anna closed her eyes in pain.

" You betrayed me, Anna! Why? Do you want money? Status? I could have given you anything! Why did you betray me Anna?!" he yelled on her face, closing the small amount of gap between them.

" I don't know what you are talking about?" Anna whispered.

" You f***ing knew about it, Anna! You knew the whole thing!Yet you betrayed me!"

"What are you talking about?" Anna asked, a little louder.

" I'm talking about how you f***ing betrayed me! I'm talking about how you framed yourself as a physically fit woman, while you are not the one!"

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