Soft Pillows | ✔

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Soft Pillows | ✔- xxDolllxx

"I don't know what's wrong with you. You try to act cold hearted when clearly you are not. You are so... strange sometimes. You don't look at me or come near me. You run away from my touch. You don't let people see the actual you. It's like you are scared. You are afraid to love. But I am in love with you. I love everything about you, even your silence, your glare, your scowl, your stutter. I want to see your smile. I want to see your eyes shine. I have never wanted anyone as much as I want you. I have never loved anyone as much as I love you. And I can't fall out of love.That's impossible. So trust me and give us a chance.

"Speechless and stunned, he just stared at the ground.


Meet:Atharva Saxena, a 28-year-old, renowned billionaire, but not your pampered rich man, who is handed everything on a silver platter. He has more to himself than he lets on, his harsh reality hidden under his facade.

Meet: Aahana Kapoor, a 26-year-old beauty, daughter of a billionaire but not your snobby, rich bitch rather sweet- hearted, innocent, fierce and loyal.

So what will happen when Atharva's father blackmails him to marry Aahana kapoor, seeing Atharva has no desire for women and avoids them like the plague under any circumstances. Will Aahana be able to penetrate her way into his heart and slip under his skin?

Let's see what fate has for them.

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