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The first time he had come to training after Asuma's death, he smelt of cigarette smoke.

She wasn't particularly fond of the smell, since it seemed to cling unwanted on her clothes that she spent far too long hand washing. Naruto was forever oblivious to the smell, but Sakura had picked up on it instantly. Now she was fifteen, and Sasuke was gone, Naruto just returning and things were a mess. She had been training with Tsunade, and although she was getting stronger, so had Sasuke and Naruto.

It seemed as if she would only forever be staring at their backs.

So after training, she turned down Naruto's invitation to ramen, feigning exhaustion, and decided to go home. Except, she didn't particularly go home, seeing as the sun was just setting and the sky was that gorgeous shade of magenta-violet that she loved to no end. It was a kind colour, soft on the eyes with soft pale orange clouds, basking the village in twilight.

So perching on her favourite rooftop, Sakura decided to people watch, and maybe read her medical textbook.

Nightfall came fast over her, the sky changing such a drastic colour, a midnight blue with specks of brilliant white lights, the stars more visible on the outskirts of the village. Her hand reached out, as if wanting to touch them, medical book on the history of healing chakra sprawled out on her belly as she counted the stars, short pink hair flaring out on the roof tiles below her. Her mind wandered to her sensei, a soft frown and crease appearing on a face too young. Pale skin seemed so crystalline pure against the black canvas of the sky above her, and she wondered.

Haruno Sakura was a pretty simple girl in her opinion, she had been in love with the same boy since childhood, she did her chores and wanted to become a strong kunoichi and a good medic. Her studies were always top of the class, and she had friends, TenTen, Ino, Hinata, the girls from the Konoha 11 were all really close. She occasionally went shopping, and sometimes she wore cute underwear, even if no one would see them, because they made her feel good about herself.

Sakura sighed and closed her eyes, laying her head back as she took deep breaths in and out. So feeling the vibrations of someone on the roof, scared her. The scent of tobacco came as quick as her eyes had snapped open, staring up at her sensei, who was staring down at her. Her body jolted up, and Kakashi stepped back as she grabbed her book, clutching it to her chest, cheeks dusted such a soft shade of pink. So wordlessly, Sakura curled into herself, and Kakashi sat next to her. He didn't speak to her, he didn't look at her, and the girl just guessed he didn't want to be alone at the moment. He was missing his best friend, grieving the loss just as Ino and Shikamaru were, Chouji didn't know what to do, and Sakura was distraught. She looked to her sensei, seeing dark eyes ringed in red from lack of sleep and exhaustion.

That summer night when she was fifteen, she fell in love with the smell of smoke.

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