Ch3: The 5th Floor

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Authors note:

Just letting you guys know I changed the name from 'Thorns' to 'Walking Disaster' !


Chapter 3: The 5th Floor

Gwen's P.O.V

"Finally" I breathily muttered , looking at the time and deciding my shift for today was over. I took off my name tag and collected my bags , saying goodbye to my co-workers. The door of the shop clanged as I left it to gravity to shut. I made my way down the busy street making my way towards the hospital. It was around 2.30 and I still hadn't had lunch but missing a meal is something I do often. I took the elevator up to the fifth floor or the hospital where my mum was , and had been situated for around a year now. The doors opened and the familiar smell of antiseptic and detergent filled my nostrils as I quietly walked down the hallways. The only sound was the distant beeping of life support machines and faint talking , until I heard a door open. I continued walking until I heard footsteps behind me , not really taking any notice.

"Gwen" I gravelly voice spoke , the owner of the footsteps. I whipped my head around , confusion evident on my face.

"Harry" I felt the corners of my lips tilt upwards slightly as the confused look left.

"Hey" he returned the smile stepping forward so we were about arms length away.

"Is your friend staying on this floor ?" I asked raising my eyebrows. He shuffled on the spot , putting his hands in his pockets and looking me in the eyes.

"Yeah , I was just visiting" he continued. "Is the person your visiting on this floor too?" I forgot he didn't know who I was visiting for a second , I guess I should give him a little more information.

"Yeah my mum" I smiled , rolling the sleeves of my jean jacket up my forearms more.

"Oh" Harry started , "Well anyway , I was thinking that maybe after you've visited your mum that we could maybe go for a walk or something ? If your not busy?" I wasn't busy , so I agreed. What's the worst that could happen? We said goodbye and left , agreeing that we'd meet outside in an hour. I continued my journey down the hallway , stopping at the door I dread seeing everyday. It's not that I don't like visiting my mother , it's the fact that she's here in the first place. Every time I see her she looks even worse , even weaker. And every time I come I pray to god that she would suddenly be healthily , in the outcome of a mericle. But that's never the case , doctors and nurses always tell me that's impossible and that she's only going down hill from here. But I guess that's what cancer does.

"Hey darling" mum smiled. Forcing herself to sit up straighter in her bed.

"Hi" I replied taking a seat next to her bed and removing my jacket and handbag. "How are you feeling?" I forced a smile. I don't know why it pains me this much still , it's been over 2 years since she was diagnosed. But you never get used to seeing someone so close to you in pain.

"I'm feeling okay , how about you love ?"

"I'm fine" I smiled.

Harry's P.O.V

"Oh la la ! Who was that ?" Niall burst in a girly voice out as soon as I closed the door of his room. He was probably high from all the medication he has consumed.

"Just someone I met yesterday" I replied taking a seat. What am I kidding of course they aren't going to let this go that easily.

"Continue..." Louis said making gestures with his hands. All eyes were on me as I shifted uncomfortably.

"She's fit!" Zayn commented along with other humorous comments like "Did you snog her" or "Harry got laid!" from the other boys.

I left out a chuckle shakily my head. "I bumped into her yesterday and we had a coffee."

"Ohh that's why you took so long" Liam laughed.

"Not like I missed anything" I said raising my arms in defence.

"So what's she like ?!" Louis butt in again. Questioning glances and the slight leaning of heads regained focus on me again. I felt like a girl at a sleepover telling her friends about the boy she met , well In reality it was kind of the same situation , just the other way around.

"Mysterious" I stated simply , licking my lips. "I could tell she wasn't telling me many things"

"What do you mean ?" Liam asked confusion written on his face.

"Like , she avoided eye contact and was distant on subjects, especially when I asked her who she was visiting but just then she told me she was visiting her mum?" I told them. Their eyebrows bunched together in a thoughtful position.

"Maybe she's just hurt , or doesn't want to think about it" Zayn stated quietly shrugging a shoulder.

"Either way , I'm gonna find out , Im going to break down that wall shes built up and get to know her" I smiled and leant back I'm my chair crossing my arms over my chest.

"Goodluck" Louis started. "Those tattoos and that nose piercing of hers makes her look feisty" he winked and everyone laughed quietly all seriousness lifted from the room.


Authors note:

BIG THANKYOU to everyone who is actually reading this , I'm not sure if there really is anyone... So if there is , PLEASE vote, share and leave feedback ? Please , it would mean so much xxx

Thanks xxx

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