Ch5: Whatever Shall We Do?!

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Chapter 5: Whatever Shall We Do?!

Harry's P.O.V

Rejection. That was something I wasn't quite used to. Most girls would throw themselves all over me or scream at the sight. But then again, Gwen isn't like most girls. I don't want to be cliche and go on about how she's 'different' or 'special'. She's just a different kind of person to the ones I am normally around. She wasn't rude, but she wasn't shy. Well she seemed a little fragile but maybe she was just broken. And that made me wonder why, something I failed to uncover at our outing today. But I did discover about her mum. Maybe that's why she seemed a little uneasy and secretive, she didn't want to be hurt again?

I huffed trying to stop myself from thinking about her so much. She already rejected me at the mention of a relationship but that's not going to stop me. At least from being her friend. I watched my shoes as I walked alone down the crowded streets of London. The sun was setting and the sky was a orangey pink shade. I walked up the concrete steps of the hospital, opening the doors and making my way up to Niall's room. The boys were probably still there as they probably had been all day. As the elevator doors opened everything was silent, until I heard that familiar laugh. Glad to hear Niall isn't dead. I opened the door, Louis and Zayn were sat next to a laughing Niall's bed. They all had smiles plastered on their faces.

"What's up guys!" I joined in sitting down. I was met by a chorus of greetings.

"So where's Liam?" I questioned as I recognised the absents of one of our band mates.

"He went out with Dannielle." Louis wiggled his eyebrows at me.

"Better not disturb him tonight." Niall laughed a little harder than we expected but everyone kind of just let him be. Poor boy was probably so drugged up. No one said anything after that, it was completely silent. I decided to take my phone out of my pocket to check a few texts until I was disturbed by some one clearing their throat. My eyes wondered upwards to 3 sets of eyes peering at me expectantly.

"What?" I asked, my hands in a questioning gesture.

Louis gave me a dumb founded look. "The date? Come one Harry, how was it?!" Zayn interrogated leaning his head in.

"It wasn't even a date! But it was okay anyway." I sheepishly grinned.

"Sure it wasn't." Niall crossed his arms over his chest as Louis continued. "Did you find out anything about her?"

"Well obviously, but i did aIso find out that her mum has cancer. That kind of explains a few things." I shrugged.

"Oh." Louis leaned back in his plastic hospital chair.

"But." I continued. "I did invite her on a date."

"Second date." Niall butt in.

"No, no date. She rejected me..." Zayn and Louis eyebrows flew upwards and their mouths resembled an 'O' shape. They looked at each other then back to me. "Harry got rejected?" Louis whispered in mock disbelief.

"She said she didn't feel ready and I respect that." I stated calmly.

"Harry got rejected!" Zayn stated loudly.

"This is a first!" Louis laughed high fiving Niall.

"Whatever shall we do?!"

"I'll buy you some ice cream and sappy movies!" They all laughed and shouted loudly until a knock on the door cut them all off.

"Excuse me could you please quieten down." I older looking nurse scoffed with an unpleased expression.

"Sorry." They all mumbled.

"Yes but anyway." I started. "She did agree to be friends, so I took the liberty of inviting her to meet you guys tomorrow."

"Yes!" Louis said with a mischievous grin.

"And can you please not saying anything about her rejecting me?"

"Don't worry Hazzy, we won't embarrass you." Zayn smirked rubbing my cheek.

"Still can't believe we've gone this long without fans finding you." Zayn stated and everyone agreed, going off into their own conversation.

I rubbed my face thinking about how inviting Gwen to meet the boys probably wasn't the best idea. But I guess they would make her feel invited. Maybe if she felt more comftable around us then she'd open up to one of us? Who knows. I guess there's only one way to find out.


Authors note:

Sorry this is so short ! But from now on I'm going to be trying to update every Sunday ! :)

Thankyou everyone who is actually reading this if there is anyone... But if you are please show me by voting and leaving feed back in the comments ! It would mean so much xx

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