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Chapter 6
( 2 weeks later )
Rachels pov :
I was sound asleep when I heard a noise coming from the hall . I stayed silent for a moment thinking it was just one of the girls when my door opened and there was a tall dark shadow. "Finn?" I asked afraid . The light turned on and standing before me was my husband Finn. I smiled and quickly got up and hugged him. "Thank god your home I've missed you so much . " I said. "I don't have much time Rachel. " He said. "Finn whats going on?" I asked. "Rachel you and the girls are in danger I know it sounds crazy but you are." He said. "What are you serious? " I asked him. "Listen to me those agents that came to visit you their not to be trusted. " He said. "Why ? " I asked. "Because their after me Rachel because I have something they want." He said. "What?" I asked him. "Your necklace." He said. "What why would they want that?" I asked. "Because theres a chip device in it that has every single code to our bombs and those agents think I have it ." He said. "Are you kidding why would you ever give that to me?" I asked him. "Because I trust you and I know its safe with you. " He said. "Okay what do I need to do?" I asked him. "Okay in a box out in the shed use the code 05410 in the box is an address I want you and the girls to pack up everything and the dog and just go there you'll meet a man name William Shuester he goes by Will though he'll help you protect you and the kids . " He told me . "What about you Finn? I can't do this without you." I said. "I promise everything will be okay and you'll find me when the time is right." He said . "I love you. " I told him. He smiled and said , "I love you too. " And then he heard a noise . "I've got to go I'm sorry and remember trust no one except yourself and Mr.Shue." He told me and then before I knew it he was gone .
(End of dream )
I woke up covered in sweat and my heart was beating faster than ever before. Was that dream real? I asked myself. Because it certainly felt real. I thought. I got up and put my coat on and went into the shed to look for a box with an address in it . " found a safe but it was locked so I entered the numbers 05410 which was Finns and I's anniversary. The safe opened and in there was a box. I opened the box and pulled out the address and put it in my pocket. Next I went back inside and started to pack up the girls stuff and mine in a big suitcase . I went into the girls room and lightly woke them up. "Lacey , Daisy come on its time to get up my darlings ." I said. "Mommy whats going on ?" A tired Lacey asked . Get dress we're leaving ." I told them. "Where too?" Daisy asked . "Somewhere safer than here." I told them. They then got dress while I put everything in the car. "Okay girls lets hit the road." I said once they cane down. I got into the van and looked at my home one more time and held my Finn necklace Don't worry Finn I find you. I said and then drove off.

The Dissappearence Of Finn HudsonWhere stories live. Discover now