Going Undercover part 1

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Chapter 12
(Washington DC )
Finns pov :
I knew in order to keep my family safe from the other side I would have to drop off the face of the earth until I could figure out a way to make sure it was safe . I knew I could give the necklace to Rachel because she would A.keep it safe and B.No one would expect her to have it . I knew that once I left I could never go back that was until my friend Sam Evans who works at the agency called me .
(6 months ago )
"Finn its Sam you need to come back to DC ." He told me. "Sam I can't you know that. " I told him. "Look Sylvester is after you and she knows you won't let your family be harmed so she's planning to hurt Rachel and the girls ." He told me. "How do I know I can trust you? " I asked him. "Because would I ever let anyone hurt my best friend and his family? " He asked me. "No ." I said. "Just come back ." He begged. "I can't it to dangerous but I have a plan ." I told him. "What?" He asked me. "Can't say they might be listening. " I told him. "I have to go be safe man ." He told me. "Okay and thank you for keeping my family safe ." I said. "Anything for you." He said and hung up. I then sighed and broke my phone in half and threw it in a river in Venice, Italy. I was able to warn Rachel that night about what was happening but then I had to go back into hiding luckily I made a call to my distant father who I haven't spoken to in years . I then crossed the boarder to Canada and then went to France under the name "Marshall Weesley." I know its pathetic but I had no choice I had to go undercover.

Hey guy just so you know I have a brand new orginal story called Finding Us its and orginal story by me and I would appreciate if you could please just check it out . It would mean the world to me . Also quick shoutout to my friend bae152 who is so amazing in every way and I just wanted to give her a shout out because she's been having a hard time latley . So please check her out .

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