Break Down

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I sat there in shock...

"What the fuck....just...fucking happened..."

My cheeks were hot And I was unbelievably uncomfortable

"S-Sorry" He stuttered

I kept quite, lost in my thoughts

We both sat there awkwardly

"I had a really fun time" He said as he tried to break the silence

"Y-Yeah" I stuttered and then smiled

He smiled his gummy smile, which made me all fuzzy inside

"Do Do you want to go get something to eat"? He asked

I looked at my watch and widened my eyes as the time read '6:40'...

"Holy moly"... I said under my breath "Uh... Sure" I said as I smiled awkwardly

He smiled back

"Jesus Christ could he get any cuter"

"So where do you want to eat"? He asked

"Do you.. Um just want to get take out"? I asked

He smiled "Sure" .

The next hour was very, very, very akward...

Su Yung ended up leaving the apartment to go meet up with Lay... So much for "I won't leave the room"...

"I had a really fun time" He said as he put on his coat

"Me too" I said while playing with my thumbs


He began laughing

"Did he hear that"?

"We should do it again" He said as he pecked my cheek

"What...the... Fuck....just...happened"

I stood there like an idiot, staring at him

He smiled "See you at class tomorrow"

The door shut..

I stood there trying to progress what happened

"D-D-Did Kris...W-Wu just k-kiss me"? I said out loud

I smiled and began to jump up and down

"KRIS WU KISSED ME"!!!!! I screamed

"WHAT"?! Someone screamed....

I quickly turned around reaveling Su Yung

"S-Su Yung"! I yelled

"WHAT"?! She yelled again "HE KISSED YOU"??!?!?

I kept quiet for a bit

"A-Are you mad" I asked quietly

"WHY WOULD I BE MAD... YOU KISSED KRIS WU"!!! She yelled as she began jumping up and down

I began laughing as we kept jumping up and down

We later ended up getting really tired by jumping all around the apartment

"Su Yung"? I asked at we layed in the couch

"Yeah" She continued

"D-did you... Find an apartment yet" I asked nervously

She got up and pulled out her phone

"Shit, she's mad"

She flipped her phone towards me reavealing a picture of a apartment

"Woah" I said looking at Su Yung

"I'm thinking this one, but we would need to go check it out" She said

"Where is it located"? I asked

"Hongdae" She answered

"Ugh... Things are so difficult" I said as put a blanket over my head

"Why don't we just sleep on it.. You don't have to worry about it right now" She said

I smiled "Why are You good to me"

She laughed "Because, I'm awesome"

I rolled my eyes and walked to the room

"I can't believe you kissed him" She said as She plopped herself in the bed

I began to blush "I KNOW RIGHT"

I threw myself on the bed and both Su Yung and I immediately fell asleep...

"Yuri" Su Yung whispered

I felt my body shake

"Yuri..please wake up" She whispered again

I began to open my eyes

"What" I said

"I-I think someone is in the apartment" She said in a scared tone

My heart sank "W-what"?

"I heard someone come in, Iw as to scared to go look" She whispered again

I got up and tip-toed to the bathroom were I kept a handgun and I made sure it was on safety

I quietly and slowly opened the door to see that no one was there

"Su Yung....give me my laptop" I said as I pointed to it

She slowly got up and grabbed it then handed it to me

"W-what are you doing" She asked

"I installed cameras whenbi first moved in" I said

I opened the app were it showed the apartment completely empty

I closed the laptop and tiptoed to the kitchen

"There's no one here" I yelled to Su Yung

But right after I said that, sobbing came from the bathroom...

I tip-toed to the bathroom door were I slowly opened it...

revealing something I would always regret for the rest of my life.

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