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Before any of us could speak up, Su Yung hit the gas going back in the road that we were on

"Woah, woah, woah"! I yelled

She didn't say a thing

"YO.... Where are you going" I yelled again

"Shhhh" she said as she took a sharp right turn

We were headed back to the airport

We stopped at a gate where they had to check you in

There was this tall, buff man standing a booth... Staring at us

Apparently he knew who Su Yung was because as soon as he got a glimpse of her face, he opened the gate

She got us to the airport fan free...

"H-How"?! I yelled still dizzy from the ride

She smirked.. "I know... Many people"

I smiled and opened the car door revealing some jet was waiting for us

"Ummmmm... This isn't what I saw online" I said while starring at it

"I know... I cancelled your buying process" Su Yung giggled

"What?! How"!? I yelled

She giggle like a school girl "Pretty easy actually... Maybe you shouldn't use the same password for everything"

Kris snickered while covering his mouth

I turned around and glared at him, which made him shut up

"God Su Yung I love you... But I hate you at the same time" I said as I began to clime up the stairs to the jet

"There's so MUCH LOVE"!!!! She yelled as she threw her hands in the air

We all sat down on the 'genuine leather' seats that Su Yung wouldn't stop talking about

"Christ they're so comfortable" she said as she rubbed the hand rest in an oddly sexual way which made my stomach turn

For the next 11 hours we did nothing but talk, sleep, drink, eat, and go to the bathroom

When we landed around 12:30 PM in Incheon we were rushed to the train station with all our luggage because little did we know, Su Yung had an appointment scheduled to see an apartment around 2:30 PM

"I-I can't go" Kris said

"What? Why" Su Yung said

"I'd attract to much attention" He said " You guys won't be able to make it and plus There's a car rental place near by, don't worry, I'll be fine" he said as he gave a week smile to make us feel better

Su Yung and I agreed and got on the train

"You really like him, huh" Su Yung asked while smirking

I began to blush "N-no"!

She began laughing which caused everyone in the train to look at us

"Man I totally forgot how quiet you have to be" I whispered to Su Yung

"You've been gone for like 3 years... Of course you would be" she said as she pulled out her phone

"Su Yung... Why are you always on your phone"?

"I-I have a lot of work to be done" she said nervously

"Uh... Ok?" I said

After I finished talking to Su Yung I noticed this man siting in front of me, eyeing me in the most uncomfortable way.. He looked about 30+ thick glasses which made his eyes look really big, and he gave this creepy perverted smile that left mark in my brain

I always seemed to sit like a dude, I never crossed my legs, I sat hunched over with my elbow on my thighs and my hands supporting my head

I grabbed my phone when I began to feel really uncomfortable, I began to text Su Yung

Me: Su Yung... Look in front of us

Su Yung looked up from her phone, and got a glimpse of his face, then she began giggling trying act like she saw something funny, then she showed me to make it more obvious

I began laughing nervously

Su Yung: Why is he eyeing you down?!?!


Su Yung: I have an idea..

Me: Go on

Su Yung: Text Kris and tell him to meet us at the train station, but tell him what's happening

Me: Tell him that some creep is staring at me?

Su Yung: Not just staring at you... When we get off there's a chance he might follow

Me: Holy shit...

Su Yung: Yeah..

I quickly began to text Kris

Me: Hey so, um, we're on the train, and um I was wondering if you could... Meet us at the station

Kris: Yeah of course... But can I ask why?

I took screen caps of my conversation with Su Yung and sent it to him

Kris: Oh... Then I'll definitely be there..

I put my phone away and sighed in relief

"So"? Su Yung asked

"Y-yeah he's coming" I said nervously

"That's good" she said as she leaned her head against my shoulder

For the next 20 minutes or so we sat there trying not to say anything about the man staring at us, and when we arrived at the station so many people blocked the doors trying to get out, and then pit was just Su Yung, me, and the man...

When the doors where finally unblocked Su Yung and I ran towards them... But something grabbed my are and pulled me back in...



Hello! Aorry I haven't been updating as often, I've been dealing with a lot of shit...
ALSO!!! I will be making a BTS fanfic soon! So expect that in a few weeks, thanks for reading and again sorry

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