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"MIN WOO"! I yelled as tears began to fall

He layed on the bathroom floor, with his wrist's slit, and a bag over his head

I kneeled down to where he was taking off the bag


She came in running to the bloody mess and almost fainted.. She covered her mouth and nodded with tears in her eyes

I grabbed both of his show laces and tied them above the cut on his wrist

"W-Why would you do this" I said while sobbing

He couldn't say anything, he was dead silent

As I kept sobbing, the ambulance had already gotten here

"What happened" One of the paramedics asked

"I-I don't know... I just walked in and I just found him lying there" I said

"And what's the relationship" He asked

"H-He's my brother" I said as  began to tear up again

"Did your brother have any experiences with depression" He asked

My heart immediately sank

"Su Zee"...

"H-h-his girlfriend c-cheated on him, w-with his bestfriend" I stuttered

He nodded and write it down

After waiting 3 hours at the hospital, they finally let Su Yung and I see Min Woo

I slowly opened the door, were a lifeless looking Min Woo laid staring at the t.v.

"M-Min Woo"? I asked softly

He jumped when he heard my voice, then turned off the t.v, positioning himself to face is

"H-Hey" He said weakly

I dropped all my stuff and ran over to him, crying my eyes out

"Why would you do this" I said in between sobs

"S-She's getting married to him" He said as He began to tear up

I got up and stared at him

"She is"?! I yelled

He wiped his tears "Y-Yeah"

Su Yung looked at me

She knew that I wanted to go confront Su Zee

"P-Please... Beat the fuck out of her" Min Woo said as he slowly fell asleep

My eyes widened

"D-Did he just...say that"? I asked Su Yung

"I think he did" She said "And I already bought the tickets" She said as She put her phone away

I looked at her in disbelief "Y-You did"?

She nodded "The plane leaves tomorrow morning"

"What"?! I yelled

"Yeah so get your shit together" She said as She grabbed her keys

"O-ok" I said still shocked as I picked up my stuff

As we walked out of the hospital I couldn't help but notice a huge crowed over by a cafe

"What do you thinks going on" Su Yung asked

"I don't know... And I don't care" I said coldly as I got in the car

She ignored the tone because she new I was in a bad mood

We drove straight home just to pack

"Are you you going to bed early" She asked

"Yeah I think" I said as I unbuckled my seatbelt

I walked to the elevator where it had just opened, and there I saw all 12 of then...again

"Hey"! They all said

"H-hi" I said

"What's wrong" Sehun said as he put his arm around my shoulder "I'm hear if you need me " as he winked

Kris glared at him as I pushed him off of me

"I-i need to go to" I said as I pulled Su Yung into the elevator

Before the doors to the elevator closed, I caught Kris giving me a worried look

"He looked worried" Su Yung said breaking the silence

"Yeah"... I mumbled as I stated at the ground

When we stepped into the apartment I immediately ran to my room, grabbing a suit case and throwing as much clothes as I could into it

"Need help"? Su Yung asked as you put her stuff on the bed

"Can you"? I asked

She kneeled down and began helping me

"I don't want you to be worried" She said as she reached for a shirt

"I know... I'm sorry" I said

She put the shirt down and have me a hug

"I want you be happy... And Beat the fuck out of Su Zee in her wedding dress" She said as She rubbed my back, comforting me

I wiped my tear and began laughing "Aha, you better help me"

We both laughed it off the pain and continued to pack

The Next Morning

"SU YUNG"!!!! I yelled as I poured water on her face

She instantly got up "WHAT THE FUCK"

"Good morning" I said holding the bucket and smiling

"I hate you" She said

"Aish... I know you love me" I said as I laughed "Come on.. Its game time"

We both managed to get ready by 6:00 AM, leaving us just the right amount of time to get the lugage to the car and leave a note for Min Woo, Kris, and Omma and Appa

When we got into the car we heard a faint scream

"YURRRIII" Someone yelled

I turned my head to find...

"Kris"? I yelled

He was running towards the car with the note in his hand

"You didn't think you I would come with you" He asked as he got into the car

"What is happening" Su Yung asked

"I'm coming with you guys" He said as he pulled out his phone

"What about your ticket" I asked

"Bought it" He said as he showed me the screen of his phone

"And your clothes"? Su Yung asked

"I can but more.. It's ok" He said

I rolled my eyes "Rich people"

Then realized that Su Yung was rich

"What"? She asked

"Nothing... I love you" I said as I laughed

We drove off to the airport with massive amounts of traffic but at the airport... It wasn't much better

At the front of the airport there was a swarm of fans.. All thanks to..

"Fuck" I  said under my breath

"Why are they so many people" Su Yung asked

But before anyone could answer 11 people stepped out of a black van that was parked right in front of us

"Oh Lord"

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