Sovereign time

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"Now minna-san... Shall we beggin?" Koro-sensei asked with a lot of doubles. All of my classmate and me were dumbfounded.

" um Beggin what exactly?" Me and the class asked him.

"Midterms time has rolled around-"

"Yeah, Thats right"

"-And that is why this period-"


"My doubles can work with you one on one to drill you on your worst subjects" Koro-sensei said

"Ridiculous. He even switches head bands on each subject. HEY! Why do I get a Naruto headband?!" Terasaka shouted.

"Because you're an idiot Terasaka!" I said to him.


Koro-sensei appeared right in front of me with a blank headband.

"Huh? Why did I get a blank headband?"

"Kira-san I see you have aces all of the subject so how about we have all of them?"


~a while later

I went to the staff room to asked Koro-sensei about something. But he seems busy so I just went ahead. There I find Asano-san. The principal of this school. He was playing with a rubik.

"Ah! Hisashiburi Kira-san."

"Hisashiburi Asano-san. What's bring you here? It's not usual for the principal to visit class E." I asked

"Observant as expected from one of my oldest student." He said shocking Irina-sensei and Karasuma-sensei. It was true when I was young I was taught by him. Because our family are close, Asano-san often was my tutor. Me and Gakushuu-kun is somewhat friends but we treats each others like sibling.

"I will tell you that later Kira first answer me this since the teachers can't."


"I want to line up the colors on this cube...all of them and quickly with a method anybody could use. How would you go about it, Kira?" He said throw at me the cube.

I catch it then answered his question. "Easy break them apart and put them back together. Most of people will just give up if they don't want to use this method. But I really like using the old way because it is fun." I said while putting the color in the right order. Koro-sensei finnaly walked in.

"Hajimemashite Koro-sensei."

"He said he is the principal of this place."

"As teachers, he is our boss."

"Yeah! Koro-sensei he is definitely your boss!" I said with a -fake- big smile on my face.

"My, my you've come all this way. Say may I have a little bump in my salary...."

I sweet droped at the looks of how pathetic my target/ sensei looks right now. Then I senses soneone at the door I glance to it. I then I saw Nagisa looking through the door.

"My applogise" hmm? I turned around at Asano-san

"I'd meant to come here to pay my respects. The Ministry of Defense, Karsuma-san have told me all about you. I can't claim to understand everything, but.. how sad you are. Looking to be the savior of the world. Only to fall into the role of the great villian who would destroy it." He said

What? the savior of the world? the great villian? Urg I will just deal with it later. Now why is he here? I thought then I started asking him.

"Didn't you said you will explain why are you here, Asano-san? Can you say it now?" I said emotionlessly smiling and looking at him while leaning on the wall. It was normal for me putting on another mask for my face. I have so many I accidently loss count. Everyone expect me and Asano was shock of my changes of presonality.

"Kira-san! That is rude!! Applogise!" Koro-sensei shouted at me.

"What? I was just asking a question you octopus." I said looking at him emotionlessly while taking out a lolipop. I was getting hungry. I put in my mouth and looking at Asano-san waiting him for my answer.

"I was here because of a complaint from the class D teacher today: "A student from class E glared at one of my students and threatened to kill him.'"

"It's a lie." I said looking at him

"Hmm? Why is that? You just transfer here Kira. You don't know a lot of things that happened."

"But I do know this the only one that class E is threatening to kill is this octopus. And I have heard this story from the curplit himself. And it is not like that." I said sticking up to Nagisa. He told me about this the day after I transfered.

"Oh? Then how did it really go Kira?"

"He just went to get something to drink and The D's cornered him. They were the ones who glared and threatened to kill him. The word 'kill" to us E's is a trigger word. We have been try to actually kill someone when they didn't even trying to put one finger to a gun. So he was offended and said that they have ever tried to kill someone while accidently releass some bloodluss. So in this they were curplits and he is a victim who only defend himself."


"Yes I would like you to expelled them please."

"You know Kira I need more than I little threatening to expelled someone in my school."

"Oh really than how about expelled them for sexual harassment."

"What!?" All of the teachers shouted.

"What do you mean by that Kira?" Asano-san said angrily. Because he was my parents best friend so I was like a niece or his daughter to him. Of course he will be over protective. Even he knew about the assasin thing.

"Back when I study here in the first year. They cornered me try to make me to go with them. Luckily Karma was there so they ran away. Is that enough evidents for you Asano-san?" I asked

"More than enough, thank you for telling me this. I will expelled them immediately for that behavior." He said and started walking out. But he suddenly stop and throw me and sensei a metal puzzel. "You guys have one second to solve this." While Koro-sensei was freaking out I stayed calm and solved it. It only took half of a second.


"Good job Kira but it seems your teacher is another problem."

I opened the door and started to walked out I saw Nagisa I smile at him. Asano-san just walked out and said good luck to Nagisa. "Hey! Asano-san!!" I shouted earning his attention. Then I throw the rubik which I finish god's know when. He catched the rubik and said "good work Kira."

I think Nagisa is a little bit of shock from the devil himself.

Nagisa's Pov

Why does Kira-san acts like that? Is there more of her than meets the eyes I thought as I look at Kira-san. She was smilling but then I remembered what happened at the staff room.

Which is the real Kira-san?


Okay hope you enjoy this one remember I do not own the charaters of Ansatsu Kyoushitsu. Just the plot and Kira okay?

Kira the little assasin (Assassination Classroom/ Ansatsu Kyoushitsu )Where stories live. Discover now