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Casey pov

It's been 2 months. I haven't had to have sex with anyone.

My dad told me y he left

He told me my mom wanted to give me up to stay with dat man. He didn't want that. She made him go away. She cAused all this. She never really loved me only jawan and I'm fine with that. I'm not going back and I sent a message to jawan telling him that. Give up the search leave me alone

I sat in my dad's office counting the income we had today I'm upto 16,853$


I looked up at Manny in the doorway.


Manny was unbelievably fine. Like omg

He cAused all type of dripping from my panties he just didn't kno

"Somebody here for you."


"I don't know they just told Me to tell u"


I removed my feet from the desk placing the money on the desk.

I walked out the room and too the front where the guards were

"He's over there."the guard Oscar pointed to the left door

He ? I swear...

I opened the door and of course who I thought.

"What the hell you want?"

I crossed my arms

"Casey...please come home"

"No! Jawan I told you. I'm not coming back now leave!"



I opened the door

He got up

"Just know....I love you"

He kissed my cheek and walked out.

Omg what have I done

I grabbed the chair and threw it at the wall.

Nothing gets better

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