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Dylan pov

I walked angrily home ignoring reina.

Once I got in the house I slammed the door locking it not noticing my mom in the kitchen rushing upstairs

I wanted to cry. I sat on my bed

"Boy what is your fuckin problem?"

I looked up at my mom who burst in my door


"Dylan what happened?"

The concern.washed over her face

She sat next to me

"Mom...I just..I just don't know"

"Is it some little girl?"


"Well what ever happened..you need to try to handle. Fix it or ditch it. Theres no more I can tell you. If she's important to you fix it if she was just a side dish. Ditch it. You shouldn't do girls like that though son. But sometimes you have to come to a conclusion. You have to move on."

Then she got ,"if your hungry dinner is ready. Your dad is on his way home. If you want I'll put a plate up for you"

"No I'll be down there"

"K." She walked out closing my door

Man what am I gonna do?

Pryce pov

I was walking down the park trail with shavonne

She was really cool and nice to talk to , but something didn't feel right

"So hows relationship life ?"

I looked at her poking my lip out , "nah very inactive"

"Oh cool." She looked forward


"Nope. Nothing there"


She stopped walking "but what about that girl. "

"What girl?" I stopped with her

" I don't remember her name but yall are always together and I think she's your best friend"

"Ohhh daezja?"

"Yea that's her"

I tilted my head , " what about her?"

"She's umm pretty. Really pretty actually. But yall so close I honestly thought yall was dating."

" well your right. She cute. But were just friends I guess"

"If you had the chance would you date her?"

When she said that I started thinking. Would I? I mean I have the chance or thought I did. She doesn't see me like that...or does she ? I mean she did say that, but leandrea said otherwise. I don't know

"That's a good question. I honestly don't really know. I guess I never will."

She smiled , " have you tried to find out?"

Wow I haven't "no. I actually have not"

"I think you should. Something tells me if we started anything, your feelings your holding back on would some how get in the way. "

I lifted my head up towards the sky

"But it's late I had a good time. I'll talk to later"

"You don't want me to walk you Home?"

"No. I want you to go find out" she hugged me " goodnight Pryce"

And she walked up the trail

Damn was that a sign from god?

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