Chapter 2

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Oliver traipsed into the duo room to find Felicity sitting in front of a computer, carefully analysing Barry's vitals. The kid was a blur on the treadmill. Try as he might, Oliver couldn't make out a single feature of the boy as he ran.

Noticing his arrival, Felicity stood from the desk and gave him a hug.

Pulling back, she smiled and said, "How'd it go? Barry said you did good together? You make a good couple - and by couple, I mean team, pair, partners, whatever ..."

Oliver smiled down at her. "Yeah, we got the job done." His gaze flicked to the blur behind the screen, "What's he doing?"

Happy with his response, Felicity returned to her seat and waved for him to join her. They watched Barry for a few more seconds then she turned and looked at him in the eye.

"I don't know."


"Like, I mean, I don't know why he's still training to get faster. With Wells - Eobard - that guy gone and him already having been back in time to ..." She hesitated.
Both held their breath and hung their heads. Neither wanted to raise the subject, especially with Barry near-by. "Anyway, with all the stuff that happened. I don't see why he's still intent on getting faster." She finished with a sigh and fell back into her seat.

3 minutes later, Barry began to slow and Felicity, checking his vitals, told him he needed to eat. Listening to her advice, he hopped off the treadmill and jogged to get an energy bar. When he returned ( at normal speed ) he sat and joined them in the room, munching at his snack.

Oliver and Felicity both exchanged looks. A silent competition in each of their eyes on who should approach the subject first.

As always, Oliver lost.


"Mm hmm?"

Waiting a second for Barry to finish his mouthful, Oliver proceeded.

"Can I ask you something?"

With a curious look now on his face, Barry looked between the two before saying, "Sure, shoot."

Sighing, Oliver stood and crossed his arms. "Why are you still trying to get faster?"

Both of them noticed it. Barry seemed to flinch at the question. His stare at Oliver dropped for a heart beat and his face fell. Then quicker than it had changed, his expression turned back to neutral and he smiled.

"Old habits die hard I guess."

They weren't having it.

"Barry," It was Felicity this time, "You're going to do too much. With your work, the Flash, helping us out from time to time and still training, you're literally going to wear yourself out."

The speedster rose to his feet, pocketing the wrapper and facing the two.

"I'm OK. Just keeping busy you know." His face wasn't hiding his unease very well.

"Bar, you can't keep do-"

Oliver was interrupted by a shout from down the hallway, a few scuffling footsteps, then an out of breath but grinning head of a Cisco popping around the door frame.

The three froze and turned to look at the scientist with faces of amusement, annoyance and surprise. Cisco, clearly picking up on the awkwardness in the air and the vibe of attention being thrown at him, let his face fall.

"Sorry, am I barging in on something?"


"No!" Barry cut Oliver off then started to walk to the door. "What's up?"

Cisco swung himself fully round the door and rocked from one foot to the other. The unease was contagious it seemed.

"Hope you guys have got some juice left in you, we got another one."

Barry frowned. "Meta?"


Pulling Oliver by the hand, Felicity patted Barry on the shoulder and dragged him by his sleeve. Both men groaned at the blonde genius tugging them out of the room.

"Looks like the couple are up again ... and by couple I mean -"

This time, it was Cisco who rolled his eyes.

{Archers Note}

Hai guy it's the Master Archer or TechArrow (Call me Tech) and I'm here for another AN! Now remember, I got help from my friends on this. This is only 50-55% me. Also this story might have some mature content that my frieds added... so that's wierd. But we exceeded 700 words this chapter including the AN! I really hope you'll enjoy this crossover book. Now may the Archers aim be with you, my fellow Heritage Archers.

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