Chapter 9

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Felicity practically threw her cup at the desk. Cisco managed to catch it with a 'Hey! Watch it!" before it spilt over the computers.

Diggle followed her as she ran to Oliver's side.

Oliver was attempting to sit up, his eyes half closed. He was swaying slightly on the bed and his muscles bulged with the strain of lifting up his torso, still half asleep. Immediately, Felicity and Diggle where helping him sit vertically. Caitlin wandered over to help as well.

"I think I'd better go." Said Joe, looking behind Cisco at the scene taking place. "Call me as soon as Barry wakes up."

Cisco nodded and waved goodbye to the detective as he traipsed round the corner, heading for the lift, mumbling something about Iris having a fit. Once Joe had left his sight, he stumbled over to where the others where still trying to support Oliver. Caitlin was lifting up his eyelids and shining a pen-light into them whilst babbling off medical terms. Looking over at the still form of Barry, Cisco was reminded of the conversation in the jewelers earlier that night. If it was anything to go by, Barry was going to be a little difficult. Crossing his fingers, he hoped Oliver took the whole memory-loss thing well.


Cisco's attention snapped back to the vigilante.

"Do you know who you are?" Caitlin asked quickly before anyone else could say anything.

Diggle and Felicity both looked at her with synchronised looks of disapproval at her haste to question their friend. Caitlin, however, ignored them and continued to pester Oliver for an answer.

"Do you know you're name?"

"Caitl-" Cisco said before he was cut off.

"Oliver Queen." A croaky voice answered. His eyes darted in every direction.

"Good. Do you know where you are?"

"N-" Oliver coughed to clear his throat. "No. Wh-"

"Do you recognise any of us here?"

Everyone held their breath as Oliver's eyes surveyed them all. His gaze lasted longer on Felicity and Diggle than Caitlin and Cisco. Then he leant back and peered round Cisco's side to look at Barry. Something in his eyes lit up briefly. Narrowing them, he returned his face to the onlooking crowd.

"I-I'm not sure. I feel like I should know you." As he spoke, he looked into Felicity's eyes. "And - and I have seen him before." He pointed to the bed beside him.

Caitlin nodded "Can you tell us any of our names?" she pushed.

"Caitlin!" Diggle snapped but Oliver waved a hand at him.

"No, no, it's fine. Umm ..." Concentration swept over his face. He closed his eyes and focused on the hole in his mind. Come on! I know who they are ... Come on!

"Oliver, it's OK." Felicity placed a comforting hand on his and frowned up at Caitlin, challenging her to say more. Getting the gesture, Dr Snow pulled away to give them some privacy.

"How you feelin'?" Diggle knelt beside Felicity.

"Well ... I don't know. Lost. Where am I?"

"At a place called S.T.A.R Labs. In central city." Felicity responded. A soft but sad smile on her face.

"I think I should be in a place called"

"Starling City?"

"Yes! Starling City! Where's that?"

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