Chapter 7

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"Oliver, come on man."

Diggle was practically dragging Oliver into the Cortex of S.T.A.R Labs. Felicity brought out a chair for him to sit in., but Oliver wasn't responding to anything. He had a far-off look in his eyes and seemed to be unable to hear anyone or anything.

"Dude!" Diggle was getting frustrated. "Oliver wake UP!"


Felicity gasped. Diggle had just slapped Oliver Queen - the Arrow - across the face.

Fair enough.

It seemed to have the desired effect though. Oliver shook his head and looked around him. What the-? He stared at Felicity for a second then turned and faced Diggle.

"You've kidnapped me?" He shouted. "HELP!" Help .. hel-"

Oliver slumped in the chair as his eyes began to droop. Diggle pulled out the needle from the vigilantes bicep and tossed it in the bin at his feet. Felicity watched the scene with an open mouth.

"What?" Asked Diggle. He shrugged his shoulders. "He looked like he was getting distressed ... "

Suddenly, a commotion was heard just down the corridor. Giving Oliver a last look, Diggle and Felicity ran to see what the fuss was about. In the hallway, Cisco and Caitlin carried Barry between them, both his arms over their shoulders. On the journey back in the van, Barry had woken up and started to mumble nonsense - but regain consciousness never the less. They had decided that Diggle should bring Oliver up first and Caitlin and Cisco would help Barry walk up at his own pace. It seemed, however, that Barry wasn't holding onto consciousness very well anymore. His head lolled to the side, then back, then forth, and his knees were struggling to keep himself standing.

"Little help here ..." Puffed out Cisco.

Diggle darted forwards and unhooked Barry's arms from around the scientist's necks. He replaced one around his own and hoisted Barry up against his side, handling the weight of the boy better than Caitlin and Cisco.

They followed them into the Cortex and laid Barry down on the medical bed.

Cisco looked over his shoulder at the sleeping Arrow.


"Don't ask." Felicity said, shaking her head and giving a pointed look in Diggle's direction.

Caitlin gently lifted Barry's head and placed a pack of ice at the back of his skull. She waved at Cisco to help wrap a bandage around the speedster's temple to stem the blood-flow. It had slowed upon their arrival but the time it had taken them to get to the jewelers and get back to the cortex had lost Barry his fair share of blood.

"What about the blood-loss?" Queried Diggle.

"It's OK. His blood-cells regenerate fast. His head wound will hopefully be gone by the morning. But he'll be a little light-headed and dizzy. More than likely he's got a concussion. Barry won't be going anywhere anytime soon - not that he'd know where to go ... memory loss and all ..."

Everyone remained silent while Caitlin and Cisco tidied Barry up. Once they were done and had washed the blood from their hands, they helped lay Oliver on a bed next to Barry's and sat down behind the desks. Felicity brought over coffee for everyone and they began to contemplate their situation.

"So," Said Cisco, rocking back on his chair and looking around at them all. "Who's gonna call Joe?"

Almost - A Flash and Arrow crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now