Chapter 12

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Felicity turned the corner, heading to the treadmill room. Caitlin and Cisco had gone in the opposite direction, all three searching for The Flash as well as Diggle being alerted to the current situation.

She opened the door and walked inside.

In the corner of the room, sitting with his knees pulled up to his face, was Barry.

Felicity couldn't help but feel a little sorry for him. The normally naive and bubbly speedster was huddled into himself in the shadow of the room.


The kid looked up, his eyes wide. He made a move to get up but it didn't seem like he had the energy. Lack of food, thought Felicity.

"Hey, you OK Bar'?"

Barry turned his body to face Felicity more.

"Define OK." He said.

The blonde-haired woman sighed and walked forwards to where Barry sat. Leaning against the wall, she let her legs relax and she slid down beside him. Once again, he flinched away from her, but that was only to be expected considering she must be a complete stranger to the kid right now.

"Barry, I know this is sca-"

"What happened to me?"

Taken aback but the abruptness of the question, Felicity hesitated before she looked the speedster in the face.

"We told you, the Meta-"

"No. I mean, what happened to me?"

Oh, she thought. the speed.

"How did you find out?" She asked, curiosity taking over for the moment.

Barry shivered beside her. He parted his knees slightly so as to show more of his face. "I, um, wanted to get out. So I ran. Only, I ran a little too fast and slammed into a wall down the corridor. I don't know why, but I found myself in this room and felt exhausted. It took me, like, five seconds." He glanced at Felicity beside him. "That isn't normal is it?"

"Barry," She said softly. "None of our lives are normal."

"What happened to me?" He inquired for the third time.

Felicity took a deep breath.

"Just over a year ago, you were struck by lightning the same time to particle accelerator exploded. You were taken to hospital and survived but you were in a coma for 9 months." Felicity felt a shiver travel down her spine as she recalled the memory. "You woke up in S.T.A.R Labs with Caitlin, Cisco and ... another scientist. Later that day, literally, you kind of sped off. Super speed and all. Over time, you improved your abilities and helped fight crime with your team and mine." She finished with puffing her cheeks out dramatically and smiling at the very bewildered boy beside her.

"Your team?" Barry asked.

After all that and he picks up that tiny detail?

"Yeah, my team. You're Team Flash, we're Team Arrow. And blame Cisco for the names." She chuckled.

Barry didn't laugh. "What's Team Arrow?"

"Oh, me, John and Oliver."


Felicity froze. "How did you ..."

"I what?"

"You said Queen. Oliver Queen." Felicity rambled.

"I did?"

"You don't remember?"

The conversation had taken a totally different course to what they'd had in mind.

"No. I-, I dunno." Shrugging, Barry turned away and cradled his knees once more.

Making a mental note to tell Caitlin and Cisco what had just happened, she nudged Barry's arm.

"Hey, Bar. You hungry?"

Even with his memory gone, Felicity could still see that the speedsters face lit up at the slightest mention of food.

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