Chapter 3

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The four walked - or in Barry's and Oliver's case, were dragged - into the cortex. Cisco joined Caitlin in their seats behind their screens, already pulling up live footage from security cameras. Diggle stood and clapped a hand on Oliver's shoulder. Barry wriggled his arm from Felicity's still stubborn grip and leaned against the far wall. Diggle looked at the kid then back at Oliver. He simply shook his head and said, "What you got for us Caitlin?"

"Well," She perked up, twisting her chair to face the two men. "Cisco and I were alerted of a break in at a bank, South of the city. We managed to get into the system and pull up some footage." She paused and looked over at Barry, still with his shoulder against the back wall. "And ... well ... he kind of, made everyone go a little ... strange."

"By strange, what do you mean? Because there's our strange and strange strange." Felicity asked, slowly coming closer to the group around the desk.

"Kind of in the middle ..." Cisco replied.

"It'd probably be easier if we just showed you." Caitlin typed away for a couple of seconds at the keyboard then motioned for Barry to join them. Once everyone had a view at the screens, she clicked the mouse and the crackly video began to play.

A man, clad in black leather and studded boots, wandered into the bank.

"Not very inconspicuous is he?" Barry joked, only to be met with a chorus of 'shhhh!'s.

The man walked to a near-by accountant and tapped her on the shoulder. Quickly, the woman turned around and faced the man. She surveyed him up and down before holding herself professionally and forcing a smile. Within moments, however, her face fell. Her eyes flicked around the room with panic and confusion. Taking a few steps back, she tripped over in her heels and landed with a thud. A couple of the assistants ran to help her up but the accountants eyes only widened in fear and she cried out in distress. In the commotion, the leather-clad man had backed away and tapped a few more people on the shoulders. Each of the people who seemed to come into contact with him, a few seconds after, would suddenly become unaware of where they were. Some ran out of the bank doors, others used violence to try and kick away worried onlookers, attempting to help. Soon, the bank was full of yells and sobs, thuds and screams. And the leather-man was no where to be seen.

Caitlin clicked her mouse again and the video paused. Everyone pulled back from the screens and exchanged cautious looks.

"Me and Cisco have analysed the video 5 times. He just disappears after that. $5,000 is missing." Caitlin hung her head.

Felicity placed a soft hand on her shoulder and looked between her and Cisco. "Let's find him then."

Cisco jumped from his chair and brought over Oliver's suit while Barry speed-changed into his. Once they were both ready and equipped, the two stood side by side, facing the others. Once again, Cisco slowly tried to sneak his camera up for a photo, but Caitlin, knowing him all too well, snatched the phone away and gave him a stern look. Cisco just giggled.

Oliver turned to Barry, his face was serious but a glint of something - Barry could of taken it as a good sense of anticipation - twinkled in his eyes.

"You ready?" He asked.

Barry looked back, a wide grin on his face. "Are you?"

{Archers Note}

Hai guy it's the Master Archer or TechArrow (Call me Tech) and welcome to another chapter! -bluemaximoff made me the cover for the book! Go check her out! Oh and I'm having problems with what Cisco should call the Meta. Any ideas from you guys? Comment me of you do! But if I come up with a really good one I'm gonna use it. I've been working really hard on this and somehow this small detail is even harder.... well I'm super tired so I'm gonna go to sleep. May the Archers aim be with you, my fellow Heritage Archers.

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