pt. 6

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bearded luke has me feeling feelings 

Luke frowns and looks at Calum with a scowl. "Why is she here?"

"You have things to talk about." Calum shrugged.

"We have nothing to talk about!" Luke threw his hands in the air and groaned. He turns to Camila, glaring. "Please leave."

Camila nods and sits up, Calum stopping her. "No, you have to apologise to her!"

"No, I don't." Luke spits and sits on the couch in anger.

"Yes, you do! You were being a complete dickhead to her!"

"Her boyfriend did punch me in the face!" Luke yelled, taking his glasses off to point at his eye. Camila's eyes widened and she looked at the ground.

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"You are not forgiven." Luke spat.

"LUKE!" Calum yelled.






"I'm gonna go." Camila nodded and headed for the door.

"YES!" Luke cheered. 

"NO!" Calum grabbed her arm, glaring at Luke. "Luke I swear to god, you need to apologise for what you said to her."

"Fine. Sit down, Camila." He grunted. She nodded and sat on the couch, her hands resting in her lap. 

Calum looked between the two and nodded, walking off to his room.

"Um," Luke scratched his neck. "I guess I'm sorry I said I hated you."

"Oh, um." She nodded softly, picking at her nails, "it's okay. I'm sorry we had... y'know."

"Oh, yea. I guess I'm sorry about that as well." He rolled his eyes to himself, her eyes widening. 

"Oh, okay." She looked everywhere but at Luke, "I told my mum I ran into you, and she wants you and Liz to-um- visit her."

"I don't talk to my mother anymore." Luke scoffed. 

"I do." Camila mumbled, "she's gonna be there. I mean you can come if you want. You don't have to if you don't want to. Seems as all you hate me."

"Why can't your mum and my mum come here?" Luke rolled his eyes. Camila looked up at him, her eyes beginning to water. 

"Wow." She laughed, tears rolling down her cheeks, "You are seriously the best listener!" 

"What are you talking about?" Luke spat, sitting up and glaring at her.

"My mum's in fucking hospital, Luke! I know you knew she had cancer. She only has a month left. You're so rude!!" She spat, storming over to the door. Luke's eyes fell to the floor. He actually thought Camila's mum was a great person. He liked her far more than he liked Camila. "You know what, don't turn up. She doesn't need someone like you to visit her."

Camila stormed out the door, slamming it behind her. Luke looked around awkwardly and swallowed the lump in his throat. 

He wanted to visit Camila's mum, he really did. However, he didn't want to see Camila or his own mum. He tapped his foot quickly, getting up from the couch and heading to the door.

The taxi pulled up at the hospital, Luke jumping out of it and running up to the hospital doors. He saw his mum, who he hasn't seen in years, sitting beside Camila. He takes a deep breath and pushes the doors open. He walks over to the two, Camila looking at him with anger. 

"Mum." He breathes out, ignoring Camila. His mother looks up at him and nearly has a heart attack.

"Oh my god, Luke." She began to cry, standing up and wrapping her arms around him, "Where on earth have you been?"

Luke stayed quiet, awkwardly hugging his mother back. She pulled away, wiping her tears away frantically. "Um, how's Mary?"

"Why do you care?" Camila spat, resting her chin on her palm and looking down the hallway.

"Can we, um, talk?" Luke asked, Camila scowled at him. Luke wouldn't really be doing this. But he felt really bad and he somehow wanted to make things up to her. Camila nodded, looking at Liz. Liz nodded and walked away slowly. "Um..."

Luke slid into the seat beside her and tapped his hand on his knee. "Are you going to say anything?" Camila turned to face him. 

"Yes." He spat, "I'm sorry I'm an asshole and I'm sorry I didn't listen to you. I'm also sorry I didn't punch your cock sucking boyfriend back in the face. I'm sorry I was rude to you when we were younger. But I can't say I'm sorry for despising you because I'm not."

Camila shook her head and crossed her arms. "Why do you hate me, Luke?" 

"You made my life suck." He shrugged and leant back into the seat.

"When will you stop being so rude?" She rolled her eyes.

"When you stop being annoying." He spat back.

"Well maybe if you changed, I would as well. Try and be a nicer person for once. Try and be my friend, instead of judging me and saying I'm annoying." She groaned. 

The words sunk into Luke, making him feel a sudden mood change. He stood up and nodded. "I will then."

"Good." Camila said in a confused tone. 

"You stop being annoying and I might like you for once." He tapped his foot.

"Fine." She sighed, wiping her hands on her jeans, "We'll be civilised adults."

Luke gulped, realising what he was actually doing.


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