prologue #1

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so basically, there is gonna be three prologues from different times of luke and camila when they were little and growing up. prologues aren't in capitals btw.

liz placed luke beside camila, who was too busy playing with the blocks in front of her. luke groaned and tried to crawl away. a high pitched squeal came from beside him and camilas small arms wrapped around his body.

"lewk!" she squealed in his ear. his little hands scruffed his hair and he frowned. 

"get off meh camila." he groaned and looked over at his mum with sad eyes. liz smiled and went back to talking to camila's mum, mary.

"look at my blocks! don't you love my blocks?" she smiled and pushed them in front of luke.

"they are sorta cool." luke clicked his tongue and caught the attention of the batman set up. camila had an older brother, he was 9. luke and camila were only 5. luke always thought camila's older brother, james, was cool. 

luke got up and walked over to the batman set up and began to play by himself. "stay away, joker!" he laughed and played with the batman figure. 

"BOOM!" camila squealed from beside him and her barbie doll, in it's pink car, flew through the batman set up and ran batman over.

"camila!" luke squealed, "you just killed batman!"

"oh." camila's small, pink lips parted and she giggled. "he should be okay." 

she picked batman up and put his legs into place and smiled. she blankly looked at luke then jumped with an idea. "oooh. barbie and batman can work together." she smiled, "and be in looooooooooooovvvvvvvve." she went on a mushed luke's little cheeks.

"argh stop it." luke huffed. "love is girlie stuff."

"nuh-uh." camila shook her head. "anyone can be in looooooooooovvvvvvvvvve."

"not me." luke scoffed and walked over to his mum.

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