prologue #3

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luke was 15 and usually hid in his room all day, every day.

liz opened the door with a wide smile as mary walked into the house, camila walking closely behind.

"luke's upstairs, honey." liz smiled and the two mother best friends headed to have some tea and coffee. camila trudged up the stairs and came to luke's door. it was the first to the left.

she has never seen luke's room because he never let her in. she always wanted to know what his room looked like, and what he did in there.

a loud groan came from the other side of the door and camila frowned. as she went to knock, another groan came from inside.

her pale arms swung the door open to see luke sitting on his bed, a laptop in front of him and tissues and vaseline.

"CAMILA!" luke squealed and tried to hide his junk. camila stared at his other man and began screaming.

"YOU WERE JERKING OFF!" she yelled and luke covered his erect junk with his blanket.

"no, i wasn't." he shook his head.

"yes, you were. i can still see it poking up through the blanket." camila pointed and he quickly covered it with his hands.

"don't tell my mum." he groaned.

"mrs hemmings!" camila shouted and ran down the stairs. luke jumped up, butt naked, and chased her.

she entered the kitchen and began to ramble on and on. luke burst through the kitchen and mary and liz froze.

"i wasn't jerking off." luke groaned and the 3 girls all stared at his erect junk.

"luke, honey," liz whispered in a calm voice, "go put some clothes on."

luke looked down and squealed, forgetting he was naked. camila laughed into the palm of her hand and luke rolled his eyes, scrambling back upstairs.

"i feel sorry for the boy." mary sighed.

"yea, it's quite small." camila chuckled and took a bite of the last biscuit.

liz nodded and her and mary chuckled along, drinking their tea and coffee.

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