Chapter One

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I just now woke up in my bed this morning, awww my head hurts so much!

Im Icah Parkins well just call me Icah something like that, im just a typical 21 years old girl born from Paris, but i dont know how to speak french hahaha. My whole life i've lived in Korea since my mom and dad died i stayed in with my Uncle Jaye, he treated me like a real daughter and i really appreaciate him for doing, he gave me everything that i want though he's korean and i've been really strugling there

My korean sucks ya know. Haha well. A little bit haha stiill using hand signals when i was in college

Im now here in Los Angeles, so exited when i first got here, this is my uncle jaye's Bday gift to me, he said that i deserve a vacation and enjoy while im young haha. He's really an old one now haha

Geez. Old People. Midlife Crisis

I yawn and stretched in my bed. God that party last night was awesome maybe i could do it again tommorow

" is gonna be a great day" i said

I went to the balcony of my room. Yeah right. There is a balcony i just stayed in a 5 star hotel in the V.I.P section haha

I looked at the sky and hmmm...the morning breeze is amazing. Feeling it in my face then i looked down the view of the city shone so clearly.

Every Move i saw it.

Oh no.

I really can't believe it.
Just woke up in the morning and all i see were dead people.

Oh my God

I was traumatized and coudn't move still here in the balcony of my suite here in the hotel, so shocked of what's happening down there.

In the City.

There were people running around the streets as if they were crazy and some people were shooting at each others heads. Just what the Fudge is happening?!

Some police were shooting at some people, why would they shoot innocent people? And why are those people running ytohthe?!, some cars and trucks were crashed and then exploded. And what really frightened me was this....

Someone just bit the Girl running

Her flesh was seen in the inside,blood pouring out of her neck and she just gave a really loud scream and fell down, her neck was torn to pieces like a chicken that you want to eat it's skin but this one's more grosr than ever

I dont wanna eat chicken ever.

"Heeelllpppppp!!!!!" the girl scrramed

Iwas just standing there, why are people acting like that? Why would they eat flesh? Why would they attack other people? Why would they do that? When did this happend?!

I just have so many questions lining up in my head right now!

I quickly backed up the balcony. Scared of what's happening down there. I mean TERRIFIED. Not changing my reaction that's been scared with the mix of being schocked i quickly pack up my things.

Not been able to set up what happend. I just get my jansport bag and pack the important things. The first aid kit in the C.R, the food in the cabinets that i bought last night and importantly my clothes.

My hands begin to tremble and sweat begins to fall down from my face. I could really feel my heart beating so fast right now

What the hell happend to this place? The fun club nights? The restless laughter? Those amazing sports cars in the street? The celebs walking down in L.A?

What is it now?

More like madtown icah.....

I glance down from below in my balcony, there are still many people running. Some were children, teenagers and adults. They are really scared from the looks of their faces. I mean really scared. The fact some crazy person bites you in the back? Thats mad crazy!

I try calling my uncle jaye, and no one was answering. What happend to him? Is korea like this too? Did he get bit like them? I hope their place is Not like here. I really hope.

I returned to my bedroom,walking back and forth. So Dizzy of what should i do. My gosh. What do i do!???

I quickly turned on the T.V and thank god that it's still operating. I search through out all the channels and gladly i found one.

"Attention all Civillians. Attention. Somehow an Unknown Virus has spread in the north of America and it has spread through out in the south and somehow it will spread in the world. Attention. Please do not get near from an infected person. I mean it plesee do not get near them. We dont know what's its effects are and we will report tp you any news from a new-------"

"Aaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!" The newscaster screamed

The reporter in the T.V was being attacked by a somehow staff of them and was just bit in the arm, she was still screaming and blood runned doen through her left arm the guy who bit him scratched her and ate the flesh in her whole arm not stopping for a minute. The blood splashed in the camera making me see only a little bit of the screen.

Ugh i disgust it really. Imma bout to puke and get a headache

I turned off the T.V. what? A virus a spread? When did that comefrom!? Mers!? Or Somewhat a dangerous unknown sickness!? An uncurable one!? Oh geez...

Me alone here in this very room, i can't be alone! I must find some!

I walked through the front door of the room. I tiptoed neat it and put my head sideways and see what i can hear outside. If it's safe to go out

I heared nothing and slowly opened the door, and got out of my suite.

I only see briefcases with messy things on the floor and some were clothes and things. I wuickly get all the useful things, i even found a knife in the bag on the hallway. I put it in my rugged jeans and moved on

Just as i was walking or i mean tipyoeing in the hallway, i heared a small sound coming from the back and reality boomed me

I saw a child. And she has a really big wound on her left face. I mean the WHOLE left face. Almost saw the jaw bones on and i really felt disgusted. She was standing there holding a hand so bloody that her dress in pink was covered by blood.

Oh my. A HAND. she's holding a hand.

I tried to tiptoe back to my room. But i made a small sound and it creaked loudly.

Oh no.

The sound was loud that the girl slowly faced me letting go of her hand lunch. I slowly backwarded too

She was groaning so loud that even made my heart beat so fast

*So how was chapter one? Next chapter next week! Hope you all vote! Love you all!

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