It's What's On The Inside

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"And when I looked over..." she managed through her giggles, "he'd fainted!"

Everyone whooped, Fletcher sloshing tea on the table.
Skulduggery sat silently, sulking.

"Aw, is poor Skully-Wully anxious?" Ghastly asked, "does he feel like he's gonna faint again?"

Tanith got up and, putting a hand to her head, fell dramatically. Ghastly swooped over, catching her.

"It's not even that funny..." Skulduggery muttered as everyone applauded the couple, who were bowing and blowing kisses.

They were at Bespoke Tailors; 'them' being Valkyrie, Skulduggery, Tanith, Ghastly and Fletcher. After giving out cups of tea to all who could drink them, they had begun to talk... Which inevitably led to Valkyrie telling them all Skulduggery's tale of post-flight trauma.

"Are you joking? It's hilarious!" Fletcher laughed again.

"Yeah, yeah, hedgehog, you just shut up."

"Oh, and what are you gonna do about it, bonebag?"

This earned a smile from the sulking skeleton.

Fletcher had changed since Valkyrie had left; a change for the better. Though he'd kept his ridiculous hair style, he'd grown, filling out. He'd become more confident, and wasn't afraid of anyone anymore... well, maybe some people... okay, he was still a scaredy-cat, but he'd gone four months without screaming, which was a start.

Also -and this is what surprised Val the most- he and Skulduggery had become closer. Not that close, but enough to be able to slag each other off.

"And what about your hand?" He asked her as the laughter died down, "You haven't explained that."

Her hand was better than before, but there were still lines visible.

"I closed the compartment door on it," she said, scowling.

He laughed. "Only you could, Val."

Everyone else joined in, though Skulduggery's was forced.

"So, where were you living? How did you stay hidden?"

"Um... I was living in a place called Meek Ridge in America- you wouldn't know it, I moved there because it was isolated. And then I bought a house isolated from Meek Ridge... so I didn't really have much left to do to hide myself."

"And food? Money?"

"I made a friend; his name was Danny. He ran a shop. He gave me provisions every week." She shrugged. "He was a good man."

"Certainly sounds like it."

"And what about here?" She asked after a moment, "Everything seems to be back in order..."

Ghastly looked at her. "Did you and Skulduggery talk at all?"

"Wha- of course we talked! We just never came across the subject of Roarhaven-"

"Or the Sanctuary, or us-" he interjected.

"Alright, we get the point." Skulduggery sighed.
"We were talking about... other stuff."

"Like what?"

The two looked at each other, conversing silently;

Skulduggery: should we say?

Valkyrie: monster?

Skulduggery: (roughly translated) no, the dancing peacock

Valkyrie: haha

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