Love is Kind!

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I'm turning eighteen today though nothing feels special , well except the entire valentine fever. Too bad i'm not struck with it. I picked up my Bible and opened to 1 Corinthians 13: 4-6 and read it out loud.

" Love is patient and is kind; love doesn't envy. Love doesn't brag, is not proud,
doesn't behave itself inappropriately, doesn't seek its own way, is not provoked, takes no account of evil;
doesn't rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth;"

Awww that was one of Dad's favourite verses in the Bible. I picked up my journal and scribbled

."Lord let me grow more and more in love each day, let each step I take today be full of your love"

I hugged my journal so tight. It really meant a lot to me, it's the first journal i ever had. Dad got me this journal on my fifth birthday to scribble down every meditation and insight I received after reading a daily verse from the Bible
I starred at the cover of the book and smiled, Dad had it customized for me. It had my name designed in Pink with a cartoon of a little girl wearing a crown, there was no doubt that I was dad's little princess.
I turned to the first page which had a photo of dad and I cutting my 5th Birthday cake glued on the page. I put that picture there myself.It was the Last image I ever had of him before he died.
I sighed and shut my journal. I quickly tucked it in my blanket and picked my bag. I really needed to get to school before I missed my class.

Hi my name is Edinam, but everyone calls me Eddie( well except my step mum.Today is my birthday and exactly twelve years since I lost my dad. (Bless his soul). I really miss him so much that it makes me sad, he was the best thing that ever happened to me. Well I wish I could say the same thing about my mum but I have no idea how she looked like or how she was. Dad never left any photos of her or spoke of her. He said images of her only brought painful memories. So I never asked questions

My watch read 6:09am and my lecture was at 7:00 and it took a thirty minute drive to campus, i jumped out of bed quickly shoving my journal under my bed. Fortunately i didn't have to wait on my step siblings and their crazy cousin because "Maame", my step mum had them put in a hostel on campus so they wont run late for lectures.

"Rena, the youngest of the stepsisters once suggested i move in with them since we attended the same school but Maame bluntly refused saying she had to keep an eye on me. Maame's reason never made any sense but i was glad she dissaproved because i knew moving in with them definitely meant me being their campus servant. It wasn't like i was a princess at home either, we had servants at home but that didn't stop Maame from treating me like i was one of her servants. Martha and Johnny, my dad's longest serving workers were like my real family, they had to put up with Maame's rants and nagging. I still have no idea why they never left after daddy passed away. I suppose grandma begged them to stay.

I got up and picked up my bag stealing a glance at the huge mirror on the wall, I finally stopped and stared at my reflection. I wore a blue denim shirt with black tights and a pair of red Toms sneakers Johnny had given to me last year on my birthday . A smile spread on my face as i styled my box braids in a perfect bun. I looked at my reflection again and began to do a silly dance i saw some girls do on a commercial. My dance was soon interrupted by a honk outside. "I'm almost there!!" I screamed from my window

"Next time you'll walk to school yeah" Nhyira shouted from the driver's seat of her Toyota Camry with a smirk on her face.I entered the front passenger seat and closed the door with a thud "Hey I'm sorry i'm late" I strapped on my seat belt and turned to the backseat as Nhyira stepped on the accelerator "Reindolf what's up?" i smiled at him. His face was buried in a book. He raised his head and winked "Chemistry Test got me like this" He said with a pout which got Nhyira and I laughing. "Second week in University and a test just shows up like some chicken pox" he continued burying his face back into the book making us laugh harder this time.

Nhyira and Reindolf are my best friends. We grew up in the same neighborhood, attended the same school from kindergarten to Junior High were we split into different Senior High Schools and got back together in University.

"Eddie what are we doing today" Nhyira spoke up with her eyes fixed on the road. "Huh?'' i wore a confused look. "You didn't think we had forgotten your birthday did you?'' Reindolf spoke with his face still buried in the textbook.

"Happy Birthday Ohemaa " Reindolf interrupted , playfully smacking my head with the textbook with a grin on his face. "Was that her present?" Nhyira asked with a chuckle

" I'd give her my Chemistry Text book to keep after writing this test" He looked up with a smirk. "and what i'm i supposed to do with it?" I said trying hard not to smile

" Sell it and keep the money as your present" He answered with a bright smile showing his set of white teeth. Nhyira gave a short laugh looking at Reindolf from the review mirror.

"Very funny Reindolf" I rolled my eyes and turned to Nhyira who still had a smile on her face. "so?" she asked " I'd text you when something comes up" she said without waiting for an answer.

"surething hunn" i said . She pulled up in front of the car park and we all got down. "see y'all during lunch Happy val's day girls" Reindolf smiled and dashed off as he caught sight of some guys in his class walking in a group towards the chemistry lab.

"Eddy don't switch off your phone, i'll text you" Nhyira turned to me as we walked towards the lecture Hall. Most of the students were in red outfits. The entire atmosphere reminded me of Christmas. I sighed at Nhyira kept talking. ".....You're not listening "

"Huh?" I gave Nhyira a confused look as we parted to our different lecture halls. "I'll text you" she waved behind her shoulder.


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