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Just to inform you guys, I imagine Zlatan being 30 for this story, and without facial hair.  Kinda like he looked in 2011.  I see the others as they are now!  Lots of love :*


I woke up in the most comfortable bed I've ever slept in.  Sun was shining through the crack of the curtain.  I grabed my phone, noticing it was 12:30.  Wow, I was tired. I got up as hunger stroke me and headed to the kitchen.  While I cooked pancakes so I could eat,  I called Jackosn on Skype

''Chaaarles!'' He exclaimed.  I could see he was getting dressed to go to work, I guess

''Hey Jack, how have you been?'' 

''Great, reallly.  We're missing you back here,  It's so damn cold'' He said, as he put his shirt on 

''I miss you too.  Hey you know who I met yesterday?''  I said, remembering my newest friend  ''you like football, don't you?''

''Yeah, why?''

''You know David Luiz?''

''Oh my go-''

''He's my neighbour, Jackie''

''OH MY GO-''

''We hung out yesterday''

''HOLLY SHHIIITT CHARLIE I CAN'T WAIT TO VISIT YOU'' He said, jumping around his bedroom

''I'm going to see him play today, actually'' I said, smiling at the thought of it

''Wow, Charlie, how lucky are you'' he said, checking his watch ''Hey love I got to go, I'm already late.  I'll talk to you later, right?''

''Yeah, see you'' I said, as he shut the conversation.  I ate those 3 pancakes I just made and jumped in the shower.  The match was at 3 pm, so I started to get ready.  As I got out, I remembered that he never  gave me any tickets. I quickly put clothes on and thought about making my way to his place to ask him about those tickets.  As I opened the door, I noticed a package in front of me.  It was a brown package clumsily taped together.  I took it to the counter and rapidly opened it.  It was a shirt.  Wow! It was a PSG shirt!  I turned it around and saw David Luiz written on the back of it.  It actually smelled like him.  The shirt was followed by a post-it.  

Hi Charlie!  I knocked on your door but I think you were sleeping.  I left for training early, sorry.   This is for the game.  I played in that shirt, lucky you ;)  hope you'll have fun!

Welcome to the building, neighbour!

David xx

Under the letter was the ticket.  In the shirt was wrapped one of those huge lolipops.  I love lolipops! I decided to save it for later, as it was already 2.  I put some white jeans on and slid in his shirt, which went all the way to my mid-thighs.  I did have a quite petite body and he was really tall, after all.  I shoved everything I would need in my purse; my phone, money, the ticket, a bottle of water, my usual drawing book and my usual black pen.  I don't usually wear makeup, so that wasn't a step I had to take.  I simply tied my hair up in a ponytail and left off to the subway.  I didn't need any jacket, as it was quite warm outside.  The subway was actually really packed with people, almost each one of them wearing a PSG shirt.  I read the names on the back of their shirts to get a hold of who I'll see on the field.  I saw a couple of David Luiz, some Cavani, some Matuidi.  Most often, I saw Ibrahimovic.  He must be good, then.  A couple of minutes later,we all got out and in front of the  stadium.  Parc des Princes? Okay, lets go in, then.

Wow.  It was huge.  There were tons of people. It's quite obnubilating, the fact that these many people came to see some guys play.  To see my friend play.  I handed my ticket to one of the employees, asking him where I was seated.  He strangely looked at me and asked me to follow him, guiding me to the rows right in the front.  I got to a seat next to a beautiful woman who automaticaly smiled at me.  She must be Sara.

''Hi! Charlie, right?  David told me about you!'' She quickly hugged me, at my surprise, which made me smile.

"nice to meet you!  Wow this is incredible'' I said, looking around me

"Yeah it is.  He told me that you don't know much about football.  I'll guide you through, I've met the guys before''  She smiled

''Thanks'' and then, they were anounced.  The guys walked on the field and soon, the game began.  David saw Sara and waved, then saw me and had the biggest smile on his face.

''That guy there, next to David, that's Thiago.  He brazilian too,  He's alot of fun, kind of like the big brother anyone needs.  It's actually really reasuring, knowing that David's friends with him.  My man's a really clumsy boy'' she laughed.

''That's Verratti.  He has the most incredible eyes.  He's really caring and cudly-  Oh and that's Cavani.  Kind of a prince, if you'd like.  Really mature and smart.  He's from Uruguay''

''Who is he?'' I asked, pointing at this massive man.  He was really tall and muscular.  His hair was tied in a bun.  He looked like a falcon, like a king.  He was really impressive, mesmerizing, even. 

''Oh that's Zlatan.  Zlatan Ibrahimovic.  He's a big deal here, really well paid.  He's a football god, actually''  I kept stairing at him.  ''He's a very temperamental.  Some say he's cocky.  I haven't spoke much to him''  

Sara and I kept talking for the whole game, getting to know each other.  She explained to me football rules, so I could follow the match.  I got to know the guys a bit more.  When half-time came, I made my way to one of those overcrowded food courts and bought cotton candy.   It's my absolute favorite.  I got the biggest bag I could get and made my way back to the field as the 2nd started.  As before, David waved at us and pointed us to Thiago.  Sara continued her explaining for the last 45 minutes.  When it ended, it was 2-0 for PSG, which is great, i guess.  She told me to follow her as we made our way to what seemed to be the lockers.  A man stopped us, but rapidly noticed Sara and let us in.  I guess she does this often.  We got in the lockers and the guys made their way in one by one

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