First Meeting, First Day

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*beep beep*

My alarm kept ringing. I didn't wake up until I had enough energy to open my eyes. 6:00 is what I saw first. "I still have some time to rest" I said, so i closed my eyes and went back to sleep. My eyes opened again, and this time I saw something completely different. The time was 8:30. Once I saw that, I woke up completely. I panicked.

"No way!" i said to myself "There's no way I'm going to be late on my first day!"

I rushed myself to get ready and ran downstairs.

"Mom, why didn't you wake me up!?"

"You're a freshman in high school now honey, you need to be responsible to wake up on time."

I didn't say anything after that. I ran out the door trying to catch a bus to school. In my panic I completely forgot to eat. After 2 minutes of running I saw the bus. It was on the other side of the street. I sprinted towards the bus and accidentally ran a person down.

"I'm sorry" I said "I should've watched where I was going"

"It's alright" the person said "I wasn't watching either" The voice sounded very feminine. When I looked up I saw a beautiful girl, with long flowing black hair wearing my high school's uniform. She noticed my uniform too.

"Oh, are you a student at Midtown too?" She asked

"Yes I am, and I'm sorry to cut this conversation short but I'm running a little late." I said "Maybe we can talk sometime at school"

I entered the bus found a seat and panicked about being late. I tried to listen to music to try to take my mind off it, but every so often I'd check my watch for the time. 8:40, 8:42, 8:45. The time wouldn't slow down. Every second that passed, was a second closer to me being late. Despite all that, there was still something at the back of my mind. The girl. All I was thinking about at that moment wasn't about being late anymore, it was about her. I kept thinking of questions to ask her. What was her name? What are her favourite foods? What does she love? I finally made the decision to try to look to see her in the bus. I tried to be lowkey of course. I looked behind me and saw her. She was smiling, enjoying the day, just listening to music with her headphones. Inadvertently I started to smile. I covered my mouth and turned around hoping she didn't see me. I was too scared to look back after that moment. I wanted to get to know her more soon.

When the bus arrived at school it was already 5 minutes until class. I still needed my locker number and lock so I knew I would be late. Either way I still ran towards school. I looked behind me to check if the girl I bumped into was still there, but she was gone. 3 minutes passed and I was at the front of the school. As I stepped in some guy jumps me and wraps his arms around my head.

"Wh-what the hell is going on?!" I screamed "Who is this?!"

"Chill out bro, it's just me. Theo."

Theo has been my best friend ever since elementary. Even though he's a year older he's had my back forever.

"You're pretty late for your first day no?" He asked jokingly.

"Yea I am, and if you don't mind I'd like to get to class as soon as I can, but before I run off, what are you doing here? Don't you have class?"

"Yep sure do, but lucky for me my teacher is nice enough to let me be a few minutes late. Oh shit dude, you got 2 minutes, better get to the office quick."

"Crap you're right I gotta go. I'll talk to you after school."

After I left Theo, got my lock and went to my locker, the first period bell had rang. I had no time to waste, I hoped that the teacher wasn't there yet. When I saw my class I ran inside and unfortunately the teacher was there. She looked pretty young but according to Theo she was a good teacher. I walked in nervously and then the teacher spoke.

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