New Friends

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As we headed to 3rd period, me, Lilly and Rosemary started to learn more about each other. They learned more about me since I was new to them. I learned that Lilly and Rosemary have been together since kindergarten. They were like me and Theo.

Science was third period. I was always pretty good at formulas and memorizing facts, so in contrast I was good at science. Our teacher just introduced us to the class and then went on his phone. We just had a free day. Since I had no friends aside from Rosemary and Lilly I didn't have anything to do. So I did what I always do whenever I'm bored, listen to music. When I started to put my other ear bud in, my hand was stopped. I turned to see Lilly smiling and Rosemary standing behind her.

"What do you think you're doing?" Rosemary asked

"Going to listen to music"

"We have a free period and you're not going to chill with your friends?" Lilly asked sarcastically.

"I'm sorry guys, I just thought since you two are best friends and you just met me, you two would want to chill together."

"Don't be silly, you're our friend too. It doesn't matter how long we've known you, all that matters is that we have fun with you." Rosemary said.

I smiled, and they noticed.

"Why're you smiling? It's not as if we're your first friends or something." Rosemary said.

"Believe it or not, I wasn't necessarily popular in elementary. To be quite honest, I only had like five friends."

"Aww, well more you can add me and Rose to your list" Lilly said smiling. "Well anyway you should smile more often, Jake. Your smile's nice"

"Oh, uh, th-thanks. I'll think about that." I cheeks started to become red, and I became embarrassed.

"Ouuu, look! You made him blush!" Rosemary exclaimed.

"I don't know what you're talking about" I said as I covered my mouth.

"That's sooo cute!!"

"Shut up Rose!"

"AWW YOU CALLED ME ROSE!!" She wrapped her arms around me to hug me.

As Rosemary started to suffocate me, I glanced over to Lilly. She was smiling. She looked so beautiful. I smiled back, and she blushed. For the rest of the period we just chilled and relaxed.

My fourth, and final, period was drama which was held on the stage. I was glad I got into drama too. I never really considered myself an actor, but I thought that drama class will be a fun experience for me. Unfortunately, Rosemary had a different choice for her art elective so it was me and Lilly together. I was sad that Rose wasn't in drama, but it was my chance to get a little closer to Lilly. I didn't want to be too forward with her and, in turn, seem weird or creepy. The whole period was just an introduction to what we'd be doing. But instead of free time, we had a chance to introduce ourselves to the other classmates. I said just the typical things, like what's my favourite season, what I'm into and stuff like that. I didn't want to say too much about myself. I was always one to keep my life secret. Lilly didn't say much either. She told the class what she told me at lunch so it wasn't anything new. At that time, drama seemed like a fun class.

Once the bell rang to signify that school was over, I packed my stuff and started to go to my locker. Before I left the stage Lilly walked up to me.

"Hey, do you need to go home straight?" she asked

"Nah why?" I responded

"I was wondering if you'd want to walk around with me and Rose. You up for it?"

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