In the Rain

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Me and the girls finished our lunch early and headed up to science to chill in the hallway. We had never seen what the third floor looked like during lunch, but we expected it to be empty. We were sorely mistaken. The entire hallway was overrun with students relaxing with their friends. We had to be super careful that we didn't step on their feet. Once we reached our door, we checked if the class was open. Surprisingly it was and the teacher was inside. We asked her why the room was open. Apparently he leaves it open for the students who don't want to eat in the caf. It was basically a place for students to be free and do what they want before class time. We unanimously decided that the science room would be our new chill spot for lunch.

Since science was starting in a few minutes we decided to just get our stuff out and just go over the textbook. I thought it was a boring idea, and that reading the textbook is for losers. They persuaded me into reading it anyway though. It was actually really interesting. The stuff about cells and space intrigued me the most. I also found out that Rose isn't necessarily good at science at all. The confusion on her face when we went through the textbook was hilarious. She noticed me laughing and punched me hard on my arm.

Once class started, the teacher gave showed us a power point and we took notes. Even though I had my contacts on, the screen was barely visible. It wasn't only me who had trouble copying notes, everyone in the class moved up a seat to see better. Some even went right up to the screen. In the end, many of us got only parts of each slide. After the lesson was finished, everyone in the class made a plan to meet in the caf afterschool and try to get the rest of the notes for others. I was able to get almost every point in all of the slides so I expected to be at the "meeting" for that long. The bell rang and we all bolted out of the class to get to 4th and then go home.

I was always excited for 4th period. Out of the subjects I had that semester, aside from Gym, Drama was one of my favourites. It was super fun, and there was never a dull moment. More importantly I got to be alone with Lilly. I felt as though if I got to be with her more, the more I'll start to learn about the kind of person she is. Today's drama class consisted of a quick game of Simon says. At first I thought it would be super boring, but then she said stuff super fast and had a different pattern. It was fun. I got out third. I tried to focus on a task she gave us beforehand but all of my attention moved towards Lilly's smiling face. Regardless of what happens Lilly was always smiling, always trying to find light in the darkness. I wanted to get close to her, so I decided to take action afterschool. All we did after our game was to make a scene out of a picture we were given. Lilly and I weren't in the same group but it wasn't that big of a loss. It was fun acting out the scenes. In the end I was praised for coming up with the scene idea.

Once the bell rang I leisurely walked towards one of the tables in the caf and waited for the other students in my science class to come and give the rest of the notes. Within 5 minutes everyone was in the caf. 2 minutes later I got all the notes I needed. As I was leaving I saw Rose running around from person to person asking for notes. It made me laugh a bit. I decided instead of going straight home, I would go to the front of the school and waited for Lilly to be done. However when I reached the front, I saw that it was raining hard. I didn't bring an umbrella so I prayed that Lilly brought one. I didn't have anything better to do so I just sat down and waited for her. If she didn't have one, I had a backup plan that would result in me being in a bad way.

5 minutes passed and I was still sitting when I heard movement coming from a hallway. I checked to look and it was Lilly walking with no umbrella in her hand. I immediately stood up with despair in my eyes.

"Well, someone doesn't seem happy to see me. " Lilly said jokingly

"It's not like that." I said. "I just expected you to have an umbrella with you. "

"I wasn't expecting any rain today, sorry I let you down Jake."

"You? Let me down? I don't think that's possible."

She giggled "Yea I guess you're right. So what're we going to do?"

"I have one idea." I took off my sweater and put it on Lilly's head. She started to blush

"W-what are you doing?"

"Protecting you duh. My immune system is pretty strong so I won't get sick, but I won't take that risk with you."

She started to smile. "That's sweet Jake, thanks."

"Well come on, if we wait any longer this rain might get worse. On the count of three run okay?"

"Okay I got it. "

"One. Tw-"

I couldn't even finish saying two when Lilly bolted towards the bus stop. I sighed and ran after her. I caught up to her and ran beside her the whole way. Luckily there was a bus already there so we didn't have to wait in the rain. We sat down beside each other, drenched in rain water. We looked to each other and laughed.

"You look so weird!" Lilly exclaimed.

"Not as weird as you!" I retorted.

Once we stopped laughing, there was a silence. I decided that, that moment was the best to ask her. I moved my hand towards hers. My heart was racing, and I couldn't control it. Once I held her hand she looked towards me. We made eye contact and both blushed.

"Do you mind?" I asked.

"N-no, not at all." Lilly said all flustered.

"Hey Lilly, can I ask you a question?" I asked while still holding her hand. At that moment it was only me grasping her hand.

"Yea sure, what's up?"

"Say a boy asked you out, would you say yes?"

"Well it all depends on the kind of guy he is."

"What was me?"

Lilly became even more flustered than she already was.

"I-if it was you..." She hesitated for a while, trying to find the right words to say.

"I'd say yes..." At that moment she began to grasp my hand and leaned her head on my shoulder.


She raised her head to look at me. We looked into each other's eyes and both smiled. She went back to resting her head on my shoulder and I rested my head on her head. It was the best moment of my life. That was the first time my mind wasn't thinking of Michelle. All my focus was on this one girl that I liked. When we got out of the bus the rain had stopped. We were both surprised and started to laugh. We were still drenched from when we ran before. I walked her to her home, and we hugged goodbye, and said "see you tomorrow!" All the way home I was smiling.

That happened a year ago. Right now is the start of my sophomore year at Midtown. I've been dating Lilly ever since that day, and our relationship couldn't be going any better. We're even still close with Rose. Even after being together, we still did regular stuff with her like we used to. She's still a bit jealous she doesn't have that special guy yet, but I always assure her that someone's out there waiting for her. Ever since that day, I've never thought about anyone except for Lilly.

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