~Chapter Seven~

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~Pete's POV~

My eyes opened lazily. It was still dark in the room around me as I blinked a bit.

Patrick was facing me, his eyes closed and his breathing smooth and silent. I felt myself smile looking at him. He just looked so cute...As creepy as it may be to watch a person sleep, it was soothing to hear his even sleeping patterns as his chest rose and fell.

Patrick and I had made well use of the experiment to see if all physical contact resulted in the blue glow...Well, not all...There was still some restraint maintained, although my shirt was thrown to the floor and I now knew what Patrick's tummy felt like.

I yawned, accidentally being louder than intended. Patrick's eyes opened slightly, flashing their dull yellow. They were like small beacons in the dark room.

"Go back to sleep..." I mumbled, watching his eyelids already drooping again. I closed my own eyes, feeling myself drift back into dreams.


"Wentz!" This time, my awakening was not as sweet. I was shaken by one of the staff, having my shirt all but shoved back into my face. "Come on. You're overdue for some tests."

Before I could protest, I was ripped up from Patrick's bed. "Hey!"

"Josh, he's squirming!" The one holding me said in uncertainty, struggling to keep his hold.

"Just hold on!"

I saw someone else in a ski mask go up to the slightly stirring Patrick. Patrick's eye opened slightly, but just then, the ski masked assailant stuck a needle into Patrick's neck. Patrick cried out in confusion and pain, but I had to watch as his eyes closed again and his body went limp.

"PATRICK!" I yelled, fighting against whoever held me.

"Josh! Could use the strength thing here!" The one holding me struggled, his grip loosening. I was near pulling my arm completely away when I felt a hard hit to my head. My vision became spotted and blurry.

"See?" A faint voice that I could no longer distinguish rang in my ears as everything faded to black, "This is why we don't switch jobs. You're out of the squad."

With that, I fell into darkness.


When I woke up, for the third freaking time today, I was looking out at what seemed like a lab room. It felt like I was standing, but when I tried to move I was met by restraints.

I looked around the room. I could see someone lying on a table across the room from me. The body was still, it's face invisible to my eye.

"Peter Wentz..." I cringed at the voice that rang out through the lab, "How wonderful to finally see you..."

A man in all white walked into my field of vision. He had slicked back white hair to top off his all white ensemble. He first walked over to the person lying on the table, appearing to stoak the face of whoever it was, then turned to me.

"Welcome to my humble abode." He said with a terrifying smile.

"Where am I?" I asked, pulling against my restraints.

He laughed. "I just told you." He replied simply.

"Who are you?" I looked over at the body on the table, "Who is that?!"

"I'm doctor Lite." He continued to smile creepily, "and your second question... Unimportant."

"What the fuck!?"

"No foul language, please Mr. Wentz..." The doctor turned back to the still body on the table and picked something up. My eyes widened as I saw him hold up a sharp tool.

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