Strange shit is going down

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I posted like 24 hours after my first chapter. You guys must LOVE me. Don't worry I already knew you did. So you wanna hear the weirdest conversation I had with my big sister Libby? Too bad you are hearing about it.

Libby: Anna what do want in life?

Anna/me: I want to have an adventure... And to be British. So I basically want to be Doctor Fucking Who even though he is a fucking alien.

Libby: Anna go sit in the corner.

Anna/me: Wait-what-why

Libby: Because you fucking sweared.

Anna/me: Are you kidding me?

Then I had to sit in the corner for fifteen minuets. Okay I'm sure your bored of me actually talking so here is the story.


Harry drove Livvie home. After Livvie got out of the car I moved to the front seat so people could see me in this bad ass car. I want this car soooooooooooooooooooooooo badly. Maybe my parents will be nice to me and get me this car. I almost laughed at this thought, Parents? Nice? I have only heard that in fairy tales.

    Harry drove me to my house. I got out and slammed the door of the of his car. “Thanks for the ride if you don’t want it anything I will gladly take it off your hands.” I said to Harry. He laughed at me.

To my annoyance Harry turned off the car and started walking with me. I walked past my house which caused him major confusion. It was kind of funny watching him point at my house and wave at me with confusion. I kept walking stifling a laugh.

Harry ran up to me. “Where are you going?” He asked me. I turned to him and stopped moving. “First of all I don’t see how it is any of your business, second if I don’t tell you I have a feeling you will be annoying so I’m gonna pick up my little brother. You know Nick?” I said. Harry nodded and we lapsed the five minute walk in silence.

I somehow started to think about My Little Ponies. I really have no idea how. Ever since Livvie started watching that show I have become addicted.   

I finally got to Nick’s school about ten minutes before dismissal. Ah! stupid Harry faster than the stupid bus!

“So how have you been Katj?” Harry asked. I was so spaced that I answered, “Pinkie Pie! Sorry what did you say Harry?” I looked at him. He was laughing making his dark brown curls bounce a little. He shut his emerald eyes. His dimples were showing from his smile. “You are so weird sometime Katja. I asked how have you been?” Harry said.

I looked into his eyes. He was staring down at me because I’m super tiny. I wanted to tell him everything. I wanted him to save me from what is my life. I needed his help. Nick needed his help.

“Well-” I was cut off by the bell telling the children that school is over. That sound kind of snapped me back to my thoughts. Was I seriously going to tell Harry everything? Stupid Katja! Stupid, stupid, stupid KATJA! I screamed in my head.

There was suddenly a swell of kids. They all came out at once and tried to run me over. Stupid school with a bunch of stupid happy kids! But the joke's on them it is MONDAY! Sucks to be you! Ya’ll have to go back to school tomorrow-wait I do to! Damn-it.   

I searched the sea of crazy children looking for my brother. Nick though will be almost impossible to find. He is TINY! he is the size of a six year old while he is eight years old. He has dirty blonde hair that is floppy and surfer kid cute. He has huge sapphire blue eyes. He is super pale even though he spends almost all his time in the sun. He was probably wearing sport shorts and a tee-shirt that says something funny like ‘Dear Santa Claus I can explain...’

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