Saved by a text book, baby doll, and a TOOTHBRUSH!!!

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So I'm pissed. I had a five page test today which I have been studying for like a week. So I finally take the test and do every question then the last one is don't take the fucking test. So as you can guess I'm super mad right now.

Stupid Mrs. Shucmore I want to fucking murder you almost as much as I want to kill Mrs. Wallace for kicking me out of class because I dropped my pencil and went to pick it up. My TEACHERS SUCK!

I sent Nick to bed early. I went to bed soon after but not before helping the boys with their luggage, let me tell you they don’t pack light. I got into my room and flopped on my bed ready to sleep. I set my alarm clock for six O’clock. I still have to do my homework. Don’t judge me! I not trusting anyone I barricaded my door while I changed. I didn’t want anyone to walk in on me naked. I got into my p.j.s which are long flannel plaid p.j. pants and a bright red tank top.

I fell asleep instantly. Which was good because I didn’t want to stay up all night tossing and turning worrying about one direction in my house. That would be super annoying. I would NEVER fall asleep!


BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! my alarm clock screamed at me. I screamed and threw my alarm clock across the room. It hit the wall making this loud crashing noise. Thats what you get for fucking waking me up. I stretched arching my back up. I was satisfied with myself when suddenly there were three concerned boys in the doorway to my room.

AHHHHHHHHHHHH BURGLARS! Oh wait it was One Direction. Slowly the events of yesterday came into my head. I looked at the boys confused. Harry who was just wearing boxers, terrifying experience, was holding one of the baby dolls that I shoved into Nick’s room. Zayn was in the clothes he wore yesterday minus the leather jacket. He was holding a toothbrush close to his face. Liam was in only flannel p.j. bottoms behind them he had a heavy textbook.

“Um... What are ya’ll doing in my room?” I asked, yes I said ya’ll, no I don’t live in the south. The boys looked from me to my smashed alarm clock. “I-uh-heard a crash and I thought you were being kidnapped.” Zayn said uncomfortably.

I looked at them. “So why do you have a toothbrush, a baby doll, and a text book?” I asked confused. I can get the whole trying to be the heros and saving me, but those weird items didn’t seem to fit in with what they were doing. Zayn shifted his feet. Liam suddenly found an very interesting piece of wall. Harry dropped the baby. Poor baby Niagara, the baby dolls name.

“Well...We thought that you might need help so I something to protect you.” Harry said shifting his feet. I burst out laughing. I was going to be save by a baby doll, a toothbrush, and a health textbook which I left in my parents room? That would have been a hilarious fight. Now I wish I was getting kidnapped.

Liam looked at my door that had a bunch of pictures all over it. He was either trying to be nice or get the conversation off of him pointed to a photo.

“Who are they? Are they your best friends?” Liam asked. I made the mistake of looking at the picture that Liam was pointing to. It was a picture of me Livvie, Amber, and Alexandra it was after we had blind makeovers (A/N for those of you that live under a rock blind makeovers in when someone gets blindfolded and then has to do another one of your friends makeover) so we had a bunch of crappy lipstick all over our faces. I was making a kissy face, next to me Livvie was blinking, Alexandra was next to her she had this stupid drunk face, and finally Amber was crossed eyed.

That picture brought back memories. I stared at the picture wishing to penguins that life didn’t change at all. Tears started to gather in my eyes, and my throat began to feel like it was closing. I stared at the picture and the good memories started to flow back to me. But with the good memories came the bad ones.

“Katja? Katja are you okay?” Harry asked snapping his fingers in front of my face. I snapped out of my daze thinking about the past. I looked up at Harry swallowing the tears that were threatening to fall. I didn’t want to cry. I have to be strong. I have to be.

“No Liam they aren’t my best friends.” I said then went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I could tell that the boys wanted to ask me more questions but they left it alone. Who knew they were smart?

I went back to my room and put on some dark jean shorts and a oversized white tee-shirt with a smiley that was sticking out its tongue. I put my hair into a high ponytail. I love wearing ponytail’s because it shows off my bright pink streak.

I walked down the stairs getting something to eat quickly. I opened the cupboard. It wasn’t even half as stocked when I left it last night. That is when I got mad! I have to pay for all this shit. I can’t have it being wasted. I screamed. The five one direction boys ran into the kitchen. This time not armed with household objects.

“WHO IN THE FUCKING HELL EAT EVERYTHING IN THE KITCHEN?” I fumed. Nick drowsily made his way down stairs. He saw me and started to silently make his way back up the stairs. “NOT SO FAST NICK. GET YOUR AS-BUTT DOWN HERE!” I screamed at Nick. He obediently came down the stairs.

“Niall you’re busted.” Louis whispered just loud enough for me to hear. Niall looked a little freaked out. I glared at him. Oh he is so dead.

Nick must have seen the look on face. “Katja calm down.”

“That is the WORST possible thing to say to a pissed off girl.” I said darkly. I was still glaring at Niall who was now shifting uncomfortably.

“Katja sit down!” Nick said firmly. I turned to look at him. What did he just say? Why is he treating me like a dog. I ain’t no Buffy.

“What-” I started.

“SIT” Nick yelled. Annoyed I just plopped down on the floor. I crossed my arms over my chest and let out a huff. This is stupid, I’m taking orders from my eight year old brother. Thats depressing.

“You are insane today. Is it that time of month?” Zayn asked. I looked at him sharply. Did he really just ask that? I saw the other boys snickering. He really just said that. Wow.  

“It s-” I started to say. But I was cut off by Nick saying, “No its not that time of month. You can tell when it is because she gets all sappy.” What is going on here. When did Nick take these guys side?

I suddenly got a very scary thought. I’m the only girl here. I am alone in feminine scene. I am going to die!

“I need to get to school. Nick since you annoyed me get Harry to drive you to school.” I said grabbing my backpack and walking out the door. I smiled as I walked to my bus stop. I didn’t even feel bad about leaving Nick to fend for himself with those crazy ass directioners. I got on the bus and immediately heard whispers.

They were stupid like ‘I hear that Katja is Harry’s long lost sister’ or ‘Katja is really adopted from the styles family’ and ‘Harry Styles came here all the way from England to see her and she didn’t want to say hi.’ I didn't really mind. People have been thinking that I’m adopted for years because Nick and I look nothing alike.

Thank penguins that Livvie is already on the bus. She smiled at me. I smiled back and sat down next to her.

“So what happened.” Livvie asked in an excited whisper. Who knew One Direction would bring out her inner girlie girl? I rolled my eyes.

“Well last night I had Louis Tomlinson in my basement. Well that was certainly one of the weirdest sentences that I have ever said. 1D is crashing at my place for a while.” I said with a yawn. It didn’t seem like that big of a deal to me but Livvie squealed. Someone call 911 Livvie is becoming a directioner!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH!

“You have to promise not to tell ANYONE!” I said to Livvie. I didn’t want to get swarmed by reporters. I could trust Livvie not to tell anyone.

“Cross my heart and hope to die.” Livvie said making an ‘X’ over her heart. “That I only stay with you one more night.” I sang loudly, and really out of key which earned me a few dirty looks. Livvie and I laughed. Maroon 5 is amazing!

I Suddenly stopped laughing. “SHIT!” I exclaimed.

“What’s up?” Livvie asked furrowing her brow.

“I forgot my homework.” I said. And I woke up early and everything.   

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