Character Info

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Name: Himari Ayako
(Last Name/ First Name)

Blood Type:  AB

Star Sign: Pisces

Appearance: Has long Black Hair that reaches lower back, rare shade of Blue mesmerizing eyes, Normally seen wearing red headphones around her neck or on her head, sometimes has bangs covering left eye

Height: 171 inches (3 inches taller than kuroko and 2 inches smaller than Akashi)

Personality: Clueless, Obedient (except when things doesn't go her way), Cheery, Calm, Oblivious, Wise (Sometimes), Left eye turn red when rarest of people scare her or make her angry, annoyed, and hurts someone beloved to her

Fears: Lightning, quiet places when alone, losing someone, scary things, Dark, People giving bad comments of her

Like's: Listening to music, dancing (unintentionally), singing, cooking, BASKETBALL, humming, Painting/Drawing, photography, racing, skipping, Challenges, Martial arts

Dislikes: When people say she is small, Underestimation,

Favorite Food: Strawberry Cake, Any kind of things that are Sweet, Anything homemade

Places: Depends on her mood, Nice view of stars, With Cherryblossoms

Habits: Type of person that cries alone and smiles even when in trouble, when in comfortable places sleeps at the nearest support there is, smirks when things get interesting

Ability: Emperor Eye, All GOM skills, Eagle Eye (only in court), Entering the zone inside and outside the court, Can see what people are thinking unintentionally and others mentioned later in the story

"I'll smile until the end so no one can suffer and smile as well"
"Take the opportunity's while it's still there"

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