1. Summer break

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Chapter one - Summer break

Alexis tossed her school bags onto the backseat and flopped into the front seat of her cherry red Mini Cooper. She leaned against the steering wheel and sighed in relief; the large grey building ahead would become a strange place for a while.

The past week had been hell for Alexis, reason being she had to face her ex boyfriend and best friend every day. The sight of them together was upsetting and it reminded her of the scene in Nathan's room. It was hard pretending that her heart was not hurting. Thoughts and questions shoved their way into Alexis' mind. Had it happened before? Maybe he got tired? Was she good enough?
A lump rose in her throat, Alexis struggled to pushed it back. The tears shed in the past week could fill a lake and it was exhausting. She had to move on and push the badgering thoughts away. Insecurity wouldn't help her current state.
The only thing keeping emotions and anger at bay was that Alexis would be going to Langebaan and staying with her cousin in his family's beach house for a week.

The metallic grey cellphone beside her buzzed. Alexis picked it up and the pink charm bracelet ,  gift from Kaylee; her best friend, slid down her arm into a comfortable position.
There was that, the fact that her best friend was the one Nathan had used to hurt her. Alexis had considered throwing it away, but something stopped her. The bracelet came before the mess, it was something to hold onto and a reminder of the memories the best friends shared. If Alexis ever came to resent Kaylee that much, the bracelet would be placed in a jewelry box and left there until it was forgotten. Besides, Alexis thought it looked great on her wrist and it accentuated her golden brown skin.
Alexis unlocked her phone and read the message.

Ordered cupcakes for tonight, please collect them for me? x

Okay, see you xx

A smile crept onto Alexis' lips. Her mother was doing a lot to cheer her up. The past few days had been filled with more movies, chocolate and ice cream than a teenage girl sleep over. It was overwhelming, but Alexis didn't want to give the impression that she was ungrateful. Spending time alone would be good, but it would probably drive her crazy. It wasn't unusual for Alexis to overthink and in a way, all the attention she received from her mother left no room for it.

The engine purred and Alexis looked in the rear view mirror, checking for other cars behind. An uncomfortable warmth spread across her face at the sight of Nathan and Kylee, leaned against his car. They looked like they were having some sort of argument.
Alexis paused, wondering what they were saying but decided against it when Kylee pointed towards her.
She revved up the car and reversed, then drove off, not wanting to see any more.

The worst song started to play on the radio, and Alexis violently turned it down, irritated at the universe for taunting her so. Of course there had to be a song about heartbreak playing when it was just the thing that she was going through.

When Alexis stopped at a traffic light, she removed the the clip in her hair and let her wavy black hair fold to her shoulders. She put her sunglasses on as the traffic light turned green.
The bright green bakery building came into view, and the large chocolate cupcake sign shone in the sunlight. Alex turned into the small shopping centre and parked right in front of the door. She exited her car and pushed the door into the bakery.

"Alexis, hey!" A warm voice and the smell of coffee welcomed her into the bakery.

"Afternoon Paulo, how's your mom?"

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