12. Coffee shop

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Chapter twelve - Coffee shop

Alexis took a pan out of the kitchen cupboard and started to make omelettes for everyone. They were are all still deep in sleep when she had woken up. She took a shower and wore a flowery sundress and a bow at the end of her French plait.
Alexis was bored and it was quite so she decided to make her self busy.

She mixed all the ingredients and had a breakfast bar as she cooked. She closed the kitchen door and started to listen to music through headphones.

As she cooked, she danced and hummed to the tune of her happy playlist. Caleb quietly opened the door and watched his cousin. It was nice to see her smiling and dancing again. He sat at a stool near a countertop and waited for her to notice him.

Alexis turned around to put the last omelette in a plate and almost jumped at Caleb's figure that had appeared from nowhere. She paused her music and spoke, pan still in hand.

"You've got to stop this Caleb. When I'm older you're going to give me a heart attack."

"I'm sorry, your dancing just mesmerized me. And I didn't want to just walk up to you and tap you on the shoulder or something. You would've dropped something." 

"I suppose you're right," Alexis sighed.

She motioned for him to take a plate for himself and then went to make sure that everyone else had started to wake up. She bumped into Michael at the kitchen door and they greeted each other awkwardly. Olivia was awake, she was lying in her sleeping bag and doing something on her phone. Joanne's eyes were shut tight, she was still asleep. Alexis knelt down and shook Joanne gently.

"Wake up," Alexis whispered.

Joanne mumbled something in reply and then opened her eyes.

"I made breakfast," Alexis said.

Olivia and Joanne both got up fast, they seemed to be very hungry.

The girls sat together in the living room and the boys in the kitchen. Alexis' phone vibrated in her pocket. She got up from where she was seated and went outside to the porch.

"Hi ma,"

"Morning babe, having fun?"

"Yeah. We went to Walter's Water World yesterday, I'm not sure about today though."
Alexis kicked pebbles off the lawn as she spoke.

"Oh, that's wonderful!"

"You should see the new renovations."

"Your dad and I are going there with your Aunt and Uncle later on today."

"Well, have fun."

"We will, thanks love, I called to check up on you, and to tell you that Connor called. He wanted to speak to you."

"Did he leave a message?"

"No, but I think you should just call him and see what's up."

Alexis grumbled, "Ma, he's probably going to hand the phone to Nathan. I don't know, I wasn't planning on speaking to him 'til we go back."

"Just call and see okay?" Evelyn cooed.

"Okay," Alexis sighed.

"Mwah, bye"

"Wait, where are you guys staying?"

"Oh, Your uncle Craig bought another beach house,"

"Can I come see it later?"

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