Chapter Six

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Chapter six:

The car stunk of new leather. It was overpowering and gave me a headache. Casually, I rolled down the window a bit.

“I know I’m sorry, the smell is a bit much.” He laughed apologetically. I smiled.

“It’s alright.” I could deal with the smell; the car was gorgeous and the seats were comfy. I was trying not to stare at him, but the way he looked casually driving through the streets was odd. I never imagined any of them could drive. He caught me looking and smiled.

“Something wrong?” He looked over at me and I blushed.

“No, I just never thought any of you drove.” I explained still looking at him. Okay, he was gorgeous, his smile was contagious and his hair was perfectly messy. I always used to think he wore a wig or something, some of the pictures there are his hair seems to be flopping off his head but in person it looked good.

“I get that a lot, but believe it or not I’ve been driving for a solid three years.” He boasts.

“Good to know I’m in safe hands.” I laughed turning to the window. We were heading downtown and the weather was gorgeous, bright and sunny.

“You know, before I came to Canada I always thought it was like the Arctic.” Harry said obviously thinking about the nice weather too. I laughed.

“Seriously? You thought we lived on an ice burg?” He shrugged sheepishly.

“We never leaned much about your country, except the stereotypes.” I couldn’t stop smiling.

“Brits.” I replied shaking my head in disapproval. Harry drove through a small ally and turned into a parking garage that was behind all the shops. He parked on the first level and we got out of the car.

“Can you turn that flap down please?” He asked gesturing to the sun flap that had a parking pass on it. I turned it down and a piece of paper fell out.

“Opps.” I said picking it up and recognizing is as the car registration. Harry reached for it instantly but I pulled it away quickly noticing something. “This car was rented out yesterday, at exactly six o’clock.” I said trying unsuccessfully to hold back a smile.He turned red. “You rented the car just for our date didn’t you?” I giggled as he wrenched forward and grabbed the paper out of my hands and stuck it under his flap.

“Okay, yes I did. I thought it would make you feel more comfortable than taking a limo.” He said looking down. I got out of the car and walked around to him and slid my arm through his.

“I appreciate it.” I smiled at him and looked up at me with his eyes his head still down.

“You don’t think I’m a try hard?” He said his goofy smile showing through. I laughed.

“Well, you didn’t show up in high-tops and my team jersey carrying a hot Tims tea and peanut butter cups. So no, I don’t think your a try hard.” I said and he laughed starting off out of the parking garage.

“Who’s Tim?” He asked after awhile and i looked at him wide eyed.

“Oh you poor soul.” I said placing a hand on his arm and shaking my head sadly. “I have so much to teach you.” He raised an eye brow at me and I waved it off. “Another day, when i take you on a date. So, where are we going?” I asked excitedly.

“It’s a small little restaurant the lads and I found on our first day here. They serve the best pancakes.” He said. I felt a little wave of happiness wash over me and I giggled excitedly.

“I haven’t eaten pancakes in forever!” I said pulling him faster towards the streets. He chuckled.

“Well I don’t think your coaches would like me.”

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