Chapter Nine

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 We stepped into the elevator and Harry pressed the button to his floor. The date had been everything I could have ever asked for and more. Dessert was a triple layer chocolate cake with raspberry syrup and powdered sugar sprinkled on top. It melted in my mouth and brought me down with it. After that Harry had tried to get me onto the dance floor to join all the gracefully flowing bodies but I refused sternly. My dancing involved flying arms, lots of twirling and constant jumping. The waltz wasn’t my thing.

 “Did you have fun?” He asked nervously from my side.

 I nodded. “It was amazing, thank you, again.”

 “I think the boys and I are watching a movie tonight. Your welcome to stay, if you like.” He offered and I couldn’t help but notice the excitement on his face.

 “I’d love to..but I have nothing to wear.” I laughed gesturing down to my grande dress.

 “You can borrow something of mine!” Harry replied quickly. I blushed.

 “Sure, if thats alright.” He nodded and we stepped out of the elevator towards the door. I took my phone out of my small clutch and texted Riley quickly telling her I was just upstairs. We walked into the room, Harry was ahead of me.


 “Before you start Louis, Sky’s here.” Harry interrupted Louis gesturing back towards me. I walked into the room.

 “Hi guys.” I waved.

 “Are you joining us for the movie?” Liam asked with a gentle smile.

 “I believe I am.”

 “This way.” Harry said grabbing my hand and guiding me towards his room.

 “Ouuuuu.” The boys cooed from the living room. I laughed and I could almost feel Harry roll his eyes. He opened the door into a big white room.

 “Here, you can wear these.” Harry said handing me a pair of sweat pants and an old band T-shirt.

 “Thanks.” I took them from him and waited for him to either leave or tell me where the bathroom is. But he just stood there. “Uhm, where do you want me to change?”

 “Oh! Right, the bathrooms over there.” He laughed shyly pointing to the right of the room. I nodded and entered the bathroom. I gratefully stepped out of my heals, relieving the pressure off of my feet and unzipped my dress. I pulled on Harry’s clothes noticing how they smelt exactly like him. Walking towards the mirror I carefully pulled out bobby pin after bobby pin and removed the elastic proceeding with a good head shake.

 “Ugh.” I groaned at the curly hairspray mess. “Lovely.” I tried untangling it with my fingers then massaging my scalp. I gave up with simply throwing it in a messy bun. After splashing my face with water to remove the layers of make up plastered to my face, I walked out with my dress and shoes in hand. Harry was waiting for me also changed into comfier clothes and his hair all flopped to one side in a cute curly mess.

 He smiled when he saw me. “You look good in those.”

 “Thanks, sweats are more my everyday style anyways.” I joked. He stood up and took my hand again leading me back to the living room.

 “We’re going with scary movie, that good?” Zayn yelled over the music now blasting from the stereo.

 “Sure.” I called back placing my clothes on a small table.

 “Do you want popcorn?” Harry said into my ear sending a small shiver down my spine. I nodded shyly and we walked to the kitchen where Harry produced a bag of popcorn. I started bopping up and down to the music on the radio. Then Everybody Talks started blasting through and that infectious beat made me want to dance.

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