Fire With Fire - Chapter 2

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'You did what!', my best friend Isla shouted.

'Ow Isla! Can you be a little sensitive please. My eardrums are going to burst if you keep screaming every time I mention what I did to Avil', I said rubbing my ears.

'Sorry', Isla apologized. And here comes the "but". 'But Anaya, you're just provoking him. Everytime you do something like this, he retorts just as bad. You know men take their pride very seriously..'

I scoffed. ' "Men"..more like "boy" '.

'...And you just hurt his. Both of you are acting like five-year-olds. Can't you both just make up already? Besides, I don't even remember why the rivalry started in the first place', Isla continued as if I hadn't even interrupted her.

But I do, I wanted to say but I kept my mouth shut because I knew Isla would ask me to elaborate and I wasn't ready for that yet. Besides, I wasn't going to give Avil the satisfaction of winning. I was going to make him yield to me even if it's the last thing I do. Wow! I sound like a movie don!

'Forget about Avil for now, Isla', I said, 'We have bigger thing to worry about.'

'Like what?' Isla asked cautiously.

I don't blame her though. Once, my prank had almost got is caught and grounded for two months and maybe in police custody. Hehe.

'Like you convincing my parents that the prank wasn't my fault. They'll believe you and me planning Avil's doomsday...Yikes! I mean our next prank on Avil and his goons', I said with a mischievous smile on my face.

'Wait a minute..I never agreed to convincing your parents. That prank was all your fault. If you hadn't punctured Avil's football and cycle tyres and then covered him in ice water while he was hanging upside down on a tree, which was also your fault by the way, Avil TPing your house and telling your parents that you were "physically active" wouldn't have ever happened', Isla lectured me.

'Hey! I wouldn't have done that if Avil hadn't pushed me into a puddle and covered me in mud. Anyway, you have, you need to help me, please', I pleaded Isla giving her my puppy dog eyes that mind you, no one could ever resist and no has, even Avil. But that's another story for another day.

'Ugh, fine. I'll convince your parents but please play a prank on Avil that won't kill him or even better hurt him. I don't want you in jail', Isla said, 'And please lay off Bryce.'

Isla whispered the last part. It was almost as if she didn't want me to hear it. Well, too bad. I heard it anyway.

'Why lay off Bryce?' I pouted. 'He's Avil's henchman, hence, my next main target after Avil. Why would you want me to lay off Bryce unless...'

My eyes widened into saucers as the realisation dawned on me.

'Oh my Gods! You like Bryce. You have a crush on him', I basically shouted.

'Shhh. Calm down. Don't tell anyone. If you tell anyone Anaya, I swear', Isla started but I cut her off.

'Chill, I won't tell a soul', I assured her, ' best friend's all grown up'. I wiped a fake tear from my eyes. 'I promise to play a small, harmless prank on Bryce, okay. Not a big harmful one like I'm going to be playing on Avil.'

Suddenly, a puzzled look came on her face as she looked at me and asked,'Gods?!'

I burst out laughing. 'Blame my Percy Jackson addiction.'

After some time I realised she never did tell me how she tell developed a crush on Bryce and when that happened so I asked her.

'Well, you remember how one day you skipped school faking sickness and as soon as your parents left the house, you went to Avil's room by jumping from your balcony to his room and filled his whole room with flour and oil?' Isla asked.

I nodded. 'Good times. The look on his face was priceless. Gods! The way he went sliding all over his floor because of the oil was totally white because of the flour.Damn...that was awesome.'

'That day, Bryce and I talked for the first time seeing as we bumped into each other at school. He was so sweet and helped me pick up the books and everything. He's also so cute and not to mention hot. Soon, talking everyday became a habit.Whenever you and Avil got angry, fought and then stormed out of the classroom, we talked about how amusing you guys were, how you guys behaved like an old mar..Oops. I wasn't supposed to say that'.

I narrowed my eyes at her but let it go.

' We also talked about so many things that we had in common. Then it kind of just happened. I started to develop feelings for him. First, I thought I loved him like a brother but later I realised that I liked as ore than a friend or brother. I wanted him to be my Prince Charming', Isla beamed.

'Deep', I commented.

'Really?! That's all you had to say after I just poured out my feelings to you!', Isla exclaimed in disbelief.

'Well yeah! What did you expect? A 'awww' or 'That's so cute/sweet'', I said.

'Uuh..yeah', Isla replied.

'Well then. Awww. I'm happy for you. Now, for my payback on Avil, I was thinking on the lines of...'

I told Isla my mastermind plan that won't fail.

'You know Anaya. I wonder why I'm friends with you. From this plan, all you're going to receive is Avil's wrath and a whole load of new pranks', Isla complained. 

'I'm willing to put my life on the line to spoil Avil's', I said.

'God what am I going to do with you?!' Isla said to herself.

Now to put my plan into action.....


Hey guys,

I will update only on weekends because I have school and exams coming up.

Your author

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