Fire With Fire - Chapter 9

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'So, you the big bad wolf who's behind all of this, huh', I started.

'I heard you beat up Manu', Bad Guy said, ignoring me which I didn't like. Stupid Bad Guy!

You know, I was expecting the bad guy to, atleast look bad if not act like one. This stupid guy looked like a child-loving dad. I mean, like seriously, he wore a Superman t-shirt with blue denim shorts and white sneakers. And his face, God his face. His face looked so innocent. He had black eyes and black hair, like totes obvious, but he looked so innocent. Innocent! Now, don't tell me I'm checking him out. Eww, no! I just expected him to wear all black with black shades and his to look scary. But alas! He looked like a lost puppy.

'So', Avil said.

'Nothing. Just, you've got skills, dude', Bad Guy said.

Great! A bad guy who uses slangs. Can my life get any worse?!

'You're the bad guy?!', I asked shocked... or suprised, which one, I still don't know.

'Yes girl', Bad Guy said.

'The bad guy, you', I again said, not able to wrap my mind around him.

'Okay, will you stop with those Percy Jackson references. Gosh! It's like you've memorised the dialogues', Avil said frustrated.

'Why, you jealous of Percy?' I asked, finding Avil's frustration pretty damn amusing. Dam! Hehehe. Totally Percy Jackson. I still don't get why Zoe didn't get the joke. I mean, I know she is from a different century, but like seriously, Percy or Thalia could have explained it to her. Ooh, speaking of Percy and Thalia, it's so sweet how Percy snuck into the quest just to save Annabeth. If Percabeth didn't get together in the last book, I would seriously lose it.

'Oh look, now she's ranting about Percy Jackson in her head', Avil said.

'Yeah, you got a problem with it, Peaches', I said, getting ready to fight.

'Of course not, Princess', Avil said, backing up from me. 

Oh yeah, you better back up, you big baby.

'I'm not a baby.'

Oh, that means I said that out loud. Oh well.

'What's your name, Bad Guy?' I asked that good-for-nothing Bad Guy.

'Oh, right! My name's Guy', Bad Guy said. Yeah, I imitate Percy Jackson whenever I can.

'Right and my name's Annabeth', I said.

'Wait, seriously. You're so lucky that your name is Annabeth. Like Percy Jackson. Damn girl!' Bad Guy said.

'Oh great! We have another Percy Jackson fan', Avil muttered.

'Oh, shut it, Kronos', I said.

'Who the hell is Kronos?' Avil said, looking confused.

'Ok, now you are just hurting my feelings', said the Bad Guy.

'Right on, man. Up top', I high-fived the Bad Guy.

'Absolutely f-ing perfect', Avil muttered curses under his breath.

'No, but seriously, you are not named "Guy" because I know for a fact that you just stole that line straight out from the movie The Croods', I said as a matter-of-fact. Avil looked surprised that I said this until I said the next line. 'I am seriously dissapointed in you dude. I thought you'd be way more creative than that. You could have said Snow from The Hunger Games, or Aro from Twilight, or even that dude from Divergent or maybe from Mission Impossible or James Bond. Tana tana tana na na na. No wait, that's Pink Panther. Whatever. Woo!'

'Of course that's what she says', Avil shook his head.

'Ok ok fine. My real name's Gunda.' I raised my eyebrow at him, not believing a single word he was uttering. Ok, so now we have a bad guy who look's innocent like an adorable lost puppy, a Percy Jackson fan, who acts like a kid and also has a nickname of a baby. I stand corrected. My life just got worse, great! "Fine that's not my real name but that's all you're gonna get.'

I shrugged my shoulders at him.'That's fine with me... and him.'

Also, I just realised that we had been standing for a lot of time, so, I sat myself in one of the chairs and stretched my legs on the table. I looked like a real gangsta!

'You're not the boss, are you?' I questioned.

'Nah I'm not. I'm his left-hand man. You know, after his right-hand man. Hahaha. Get it, get it? No. Ok.' Gunda slumped his shoulders.

'Will we get to meet the Boss anytime soon? Cause not to be rude or anything but my patience's wearing thin; and I'm sure Princess' as well', Avil said.

'You wanna say that again Peaches?' I asked in a threatening voice.

'So', Avil ignored me completely. How dare he? That bastard.

'No, you won't meet him anytime soon. But he did tell us all to treat you like royalty', Gunda said.

'Royalty huh? I could get used to that. So could Peaches', I answered for Avil.

'Ok then, I'll show you guys to your room', Gunda said.

'Great, lead the way to my room', I jumped up and down.

'What your room?! I meant ''your room'' as in both of you will sleep in the same room as in share one room', Gunda explained.

And now, my jumping stopped completely.

'Excuse me, there is no way we could share a room. I mean, we can't even stand each other being in the same house.' Avil was close to pulling his hair out. Percy Jackson and this in one day. Holy crap! I felt sorry for him. Hahahaha. Not. I was thoroughly enjoying this. Of course, I wasn't far away either.

'Well, you are a couple so that shouldn't be too hard, right?' Gunda asked.

I gave Avil a silent warning to go through with this and not mess this up as our life on line here and also because I want to find out what was going on. Obviously, Avil was thinking the same thing too because he sent me a similar look. Glad to know we're on the same page! Oh God! What has my life come to!

'Sure, lead the way to our room', I forced a smile whereas Avil grimaced and then forced one on too.


Wassup Guys,

Yeah, I'm a big fan of Percy Jackson. Comment below if you're one too. Also, this is an early update as my Diwali present to you all........

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Anyways, see you guys next time. Bye. Peace:)

Your author......

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