The dinner

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Dad has been a lot sick lately. It has been two weeks since he told us that dreadful news about having cancer. He can't work like before. He can't even walk properly now. It hurts so much to see him like this. He had always been strong but now he seems so helpless.

I walked downstairs and saw everyone at the dining table. I sat next to Ruby facing my mum. I give her a weak smile and she smiled back faintly. Dad said he wished us to be happy for he doesn't want sad faces moving in the house. He said that our smiles give him strength to be stronger so he wants us to act like nothing happened which is impossible but still we can at least try right?

"Mr Yoonus is going to come to our house tonight for dinner with his wife. He is my boss and a very respected man. I want you all to take good care of them tonight." Dad said looking at us.

"Yes we will dad" we three sisters replied.

"Very well then. I want Shirin to cook tonight's dinner and the rest of you can do the cleaning." He said looking at us.

"Mum isn't cooking?" I asked him.

"No she is not feeling really well today so you can do it." He said. I looked at mum and she looked fine. But anyways I can do it too.

"Alright dad I will do it then" I said giving him a smile.

"That's my girl" he said.


It was 8pm and the yoonus's would arrive any minute. The door bell rang and I rushed to open it. A middle aged couple were standing there. The man was in a black suit and had a kind face. The woman on the other looked all business like. She was wearing a tight fitting off shoulder knee length dress which showed a lot of things which shouldn't be seen by others and had the expression on her face which showed that she would be any one but here.

"Assalam alikum " I said smiling at them.

They looked a bit surprised.

"Wa alaikum salam" the man replied while his wife said 'good evening' with a blank face.

Dad and mum came from behind. Dad shook hands with the man and woman. Mum said salam and looked a bit surprised when she saw the woman's dress. Mum never liked woman who dressed indecently so she was a bit what can I say....disgusted.

They came inside and dad led them to the living room. I went back to the kitchen to finish off the last moment touches on the dessert. After about 15 minutes the table was laid.

I watched Mr Yoonus from the corner of my eyes putting a spoonful of biryani in his mouth. I was excited to know if he liked it or not. I had always cooked just for my family and this was the first time someone else was eating my hand cooked meal.

"The food is delicious Mrs Nasir. It has been a long time since I had eaten such a delicious homemade meal. I can't wait to finish this" Mr Yoonus said with a big smile on his face. His wife sent him a sharp look and he became quiet.

"I am glad you liked it but it was not made by me." mum said smiling at him.

"I am sorry. I didn't mean to offend you. I should have known that it must have been cooked by your chef." he said hastily.

Dad chuckled,"it was made by my daughter Shirin actually" he said pointing at me.

Mr Yoonus looked at me approvingly.

"It is really good my child. It reminds me of my mum's cooking. She was the best cook ever" he said.

"Thank you " I said feeling happy.

"I should be the one to thank you to remind me of the good old days" he said smiling.

I just smiled and continued eating my food. After the main got over I went to bring in the dark forest cake which I made. Mr Yoonus said that he loved it and thought that I should be a chef or confectioner. I felt honored to hear that and my parents gave me a satisfied look.

The dinner finished and everyone got up. the adults went to the living room while me, Nazneen and Ruby started to clear up the table. after that we went to our rooms to sleep since we had school tomorrow.

"The dinner went well." Nazneen said plopping on the bed.

"I guess it did." I replied.

"They were nice people in spite of being so rich" she said .

"Yeah... but I liked Mr Yoonus better. He was really nice but his wife gave off the air of arrogance. She had the poker face all night and the only thing she said was that she finished the dinner and thought it was late and they should be going. it seemed that she didn't want to come in the first place" I said.

"You're right. Even I felt that." she said yawning and closed her eyes to sleep.


Half an hour passed and I couldn't sleep. The whole week I couldn't sleep thinking about dad and what will happen when he will be gone. Just imagining that made be feel all teary. And what about our education since we had no savings or they were not much. How will we run the house?

I talked about it to mum few days ago and she said that they had thought of something and that we should trust them.

I didn't want to lye down anymore so I sat up and looked at Nazneen sleeping by my side. This girl can sleep even in 2 minutes while I will always lay rolling on the bed not able to sleep. I felt thirsty and decided to get some water from the fridge.

I got up and went quietly downstairs to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and took out the water jug and started to pour cold water into a glass. I thought of taking the jug upstairs since I always felt thirsty after eating oily food.

I closed the fridge without making a sound and started to tip toe upstairs. I heard some voices from the drawing room. I don't know why but I felt like listening to what they were saying.

"But are you sure Mr Yoonus." I heard mum ask.

"Yes I am." he answered.

"We feel honored to receive your proposal" dad said in an excited voice.

"No that's not it. We should be thanking you that you will be giving us your precious daughter" Mr Yoonus said in a happy voice.

"But are you really sure. We belong to a middle class and you are so rich" mum asked and I could hear the concern in her voice.

"Yes we know that. Though it will take some time, I am sure Shirin will fit in our society very well" he said.

Me? Fit in what society? for what? what are they talking about?

"I couldn't believe it when my husband told me two weeks ago. I though he wasn't serious" mum said,"I can't believe she will be leaving us so soon at such a young age"

"She might be young but she has all the qualities we want in our daughter in law. She will be the perfect wife for Sameer. He needs someone like her to settle down with and change his ways with. She can help him to be better. He is one lucky guy for sure to receive such a wife" Mr Yoonus said ,"so can we say that this marriage is fixed?"

"Of course." dad said.


I heard the glass jug fall on the floor with a shattering sound while I just stood frozen on the spot not believing what I just heard.


Hello lovelies :D

How are you guys?I know that the update is late but believe me, my cpu stopped working and it took a lot of days to get it repaired and thus I couldn't post the chapter.

But now it's working again so her was the chappie. Do tell me what you think about it and don't forget to comment and vote if you liked it. I really appreciate and love to read your comments so please do

Lot's of love,

- fox27808

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