The hospital

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AN:This chapter was really heart touching to write as i was imagining myself in Shirin's place. *sobs* . So here you go guys read on.


I pushed open the hospital door and hurried towards the reception counter. Nazneen had gone to Ruby's school to pick her up. To say that I am feeling like hell will be an understatement. I reached the reception and saw the receptionist talking to some man.

"I am looking for Mr. Abdul Nasir" I said to her.

"Wait a moment please" she replied calmly.

She pushed some buttons on the keyboard and I couldn't handle the wait.

"Can you please hurry up?" I asked impatiently.

"Yes he is in room 302 on the third floor" she replied.

I hurried towards the elevator. It was taking time to come down so I decided to take the stairs. I ran up as fast as my legs could carry me. All thoughts were coming in my head. How can this happen? It actually happened because of me. I was cursing myself for doing this to them. Mum and dad please be safe. Please be safe. Nothing can happen to you people. Please Allah let them be safe.

After reaching the third floor I started panting due to all the running. I looked around and spotted room 302and hurried forward. ICU was written in bold words on top of the number plate. A nurse came out of the room.

"Excuse me sister can I see my parents?" I asked her tears coming in my eyes. I can't cry. It will show that I am weak. Mum and dad would not like that. I need to be strong. For them, for myself.

"I am sorry the doctor is still inside. You need to wait for a few minutes" she said and walked away.

I fell back on the nearest chair. This is entirely my fault. I should have agreed to this marriage then dad would have not driven so carelessly. He was distracted because of me.

The doctor came out of the ICU. I got up and went towards him trying to balance myself on my feet dreading what is to come.

"Are you Shirin?" he asked looking at me.

"Ye-s yes I am." I replied choking and wiping the silent tears off my face.

"I a sorry Shirin but we cannot save your father. He was already ill and then this accident. He is suffering from severe internal injuries. It is too much for him to handle" he said with an apologetically.

"No" I whispered and backed away. This is a lie right? It can't be happening. This is all a dream and Nazneen will come and wake me up and then this will all be over and everything will be back to normal. Yes that's right.

"He is asking for you. Saying that it is something important and he needs to see you." The doctor's words broke my trance.

Dad wants to see me? How will I face him? How will I show him the face of the person responsible for his condition? How?

"Hurry. He won't be long." The doctor said. I nodded me head and went inside. I have to face this. I have to.

The room was quite big. It was full of machines like how they show in movies at hospitals. One showed his heart rate. In the center was the bed with dad lying on it. Many tubes were connected to his hand. A small stool was next to it.

I slowly walked towards him hoping him to sit up and say that it was a prank. But it was not and I knew it. This is all real. I went to his side and stood next to him. I could see his eyes were closed but they were wet. He must be in so much pain. And it was because of me. I closed my mouth with my hand so that I can control the sound of my sobbing.

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