Joey panicked as Kalyn went unconscious once again. Blood pooled from her chest. Joey's own blood covered his entire left arm. He winced in pain as he held Kalyn. Her face was deathly pale. Paramedics rushed over with a gurney. "Sir, your going to have to let go of her." A male paramedic said as brought the gurney towards them. Chad put a hand on Joey's good shoulder. Joey laid Kalyn's limp body onto the stretcher. Tears continually falling from his eyes. An oxygen mask was quickly placed over Kalyn's face and the two paramedics quickly brought the gurney to the ambulance where she was quickly put in the back of it. Without thinking Joey jumped into the back of the ambulance, the doors were quickly shut and the ambulance blared its sirens as it sped towards the hospital.
The rest of the group stared at where the ambulance once was, then their gaze was brought to the blood spot on the pavement. They let their tears fall freely. Alan whipped his eyes, he knew he had to take leadership. "We need to get to the hospital." Alan said clearing his throat. Everyone nodded and quickly walked to the nearest street and managed to wave down two cabs. The ride to the hospital was quiet for both cars. Everyone had worried thoughts in their head. Once at the hospital they barreled through the doors. Joey was already in the waiting room, his left shoulder had gauze and flesh colored bandage peeking out from his sleeve of his short sleeved t-shirt. His head rested in his hands as he rocked himself in the black plastic chair. Silent murmurs could be heard from him as he whispered, "Shes gonna be ok, she's gotta be ok."
The group walked solemnly up to Joey. Kelsey put a gently hand on Joey's non bandaged shoulder. Joey looked up, his eyes red from crying. He stood up and Kelsey brought him into a hug. His arms wrapped tightly around her small frame as she could feel his breathing deepen as tears fell from his eyes. Hugs were exchanged, smiles weren't shown. Everyone too numb to show any emotion other than sadness. "Mr. Stamper?" A manly voice sounded from behind the group. Joey quickly pushed himself to the front. "How is she, can I see her?" Joey anxiously asked. "We got her stabilized but due to bleeding around the brain and her left lung collapsing during surgery she is on a ventilator and is in a medically induced coma. She may have one visitor at a time." The doctor said reading from his clipboard. Joey looked toward the group as they answered in nods. "Go ahead, we aren't going anywhere." Alan said with a weak smile. Joey just gave a curt nod and followed the doctor down the small labyrinth of hallways and rooms. Kalyn was placed in the ICU unit. "She's in room 208." The doctor said as he led Joey to a series of rooms. Joey thanked him and began his hurried search for her room. His eyes darting to every room number until his eyes reached hers at the end of the corridor. Joey's heart raced as he quickly made his way to the room. He froze when he reached the door. He prepared himself to see her with tubes protruding from every orfice but he knew he would never be able to. He sighed and turned the door knob opening the door slowly. His ears quickly picked up the various sounds from the surrounding machines in Kalyn's room. Joey's heart sank once his gaze rested upon her. "Oh Kalyn.." Joey sighed as he numbly made his way to her bedside. Her hand was cold as he carefully placed it in his, avoiding the iv's that protruded from her veins. "I broke my promise, I was suppose....I was suppose to protect you. I failed... I failed...." Joey let out as he started to cry again. He rested his head on the edge of the mattress and let all of his tears out.
"I can't believe this happened, who would want to shoot Joey and Kalyn, the too most sweetest people in the world." Fallon angrily sobbed into Chads shoulder as her voice rose with anger. "We already have police doing a report and they are scanning the area." Alan said calmly. "Did you tell Brycie yet?" Caleb asked quietly. "No, I don't know when the right time is." Alan said shaking his head as his gaze traveled to the floor. "Her and the girls deserve to know. They need to get here, we don't know what's going to happen to Kalyn." Kelsey said as she placed her hand on Alan's back and soothingly rubbed it. "You're right, I'll be back in a few minutes." Alan said, his voice already shaking. He knew the girls were going to be devastated. Alan grabbed his phone out of his pocket and stepped outside of the hospital and sat on a bench near the entrance. "Babe, you need to catch a flight up here with the girls." Alan said with a long sigh. "What's wrong?" Brycie asked with small panic rising in her voice. "Kalyn... was in an accident." Alan said slowly, trying not to believe that it happened. "Babe what happened." Brycie sternly said into the phone. "I'll tell you when you get here, just pack some clothes for you and the girls and catch the next flight up here." Alan replied. "I'll be there in a few hours. I love you." Brycie said, her voice breaking at the end. "I love you too babe." Alan's voice shaked. He hung up the phone and slipped it back into his pocket before putting his head in his hands and letting few tears slip from his eyes. After a few minutes he felt a presence sit next to him. "Did you tell them?" Chads voice asked. "I just told them that something happened to Kalyn and that they needed to get here asap. They don't need to be panicking on their way here." Alan answered raising his head up from his hands. "We better get back in there in case they need us." Chad said with a weak smile. Alan mentally preparing himself for when he told Brucite and the girls that Kalyn might never wake up, let alone survive.
Everybody was still in the same spots that Alan left them in. By now their tears had stopped but their eyes were red and cheeks were tear stained. Alan was about to sit down when Joey appeared from the hallway. His face showed the emotions of fear and depression. The group stared at him for a response. "She's so... Lifeless." Joey said brokenly before sinking into a chair. "Alan, why don't you go see her. I... I need time to just contemplate all that's happened." Joey said rubbing his temples. "After I'm done it will be chads turn." Alan said to everybody as they nodded before he walked down the hall towards her room. Alan froze when he saw her. "I can't believe this happened." Alan whispered as he sat next to Kalyn and placed her hand in his. Alan bowed his head over her hands and prayed, he prayed harder than he ever had. He prayed that they would catch the criminal, that Kalyn would get better, that Joey wouldn't be so numb. After half an hour of praying over Kalyn, Alan knew that he had to give somebody their turn to find some closure. "We love you Kalyn, pull through for us. We need you, Joey needs you more than anybody. Your his sanity." Alan pleaded to Kalyn. After a few minutes of shared silence Alan collected himself and walked out of the room.
When Alan joined the group again he stood in front of Joey until he looked up. When Joey saw Alan's broken expression he stood up. Alan engulfed him in a huge hug. When they pulled away Alan and Joey both whipped their tears. "She's gonna be ok, she's strong." Joey said, maybe to just attempt to reassure himself. "It's ok to let down your wall Joey." Alan said clearing his throat trying to stay strong in front of Joey. Joey pulled away from Alan, tears beading at his red eyes yet a small smile tugged at his mouth. "I should say the same for you, you've been strong throughout this whole thing. Your gonna have to breakdown sometime." Joey said with a slight laugh. "I gotta be the strong one for my girls Joe." Alan said a single tear sliding down his cheek. Joey put a hand on his shoulder. He knew what it was like to have to be the strong one for your significant other. Alan smiled shyly back as he sat down next to Joey.
"It's your turn babe." Fallon said gently to Chad. He vigorously shook his head, "I can't I don't want to see her in that state. Go instead of me." He said shakily to Fallon and looked up to her with pleading eyes. Fallon's gaze softened as tears filled her eyes. "I understand babe." Fallon said sweetly as she kissed his temple before getting up and making her way towards the room.
"Hey Hun." Fallon began to make small talk as she sat down. A smile plastered on her face to prevent her from breaking down. "We miss you a whole bunch. You'd be really proud of Joey and Alan they have been really strong. Caleb and Kelsey have been ok they haven't said much since this all happened. Chad, well, it was suppose to be his turn to visit with you but he's in too much shock right now. Me? Well I'm holding up. I know how you don't like seeing people cry so I'm trying my best not to." Fallon said as she grabbed a tissue from her cardigan pocket and dabbed under her nose. "I guess I'm not really doing a good job." Fallon said with a slight laugh. Her tears fell freely at this point, she couldn't hold them back any longer. "Boo, you need to get better. I haven't known you long but in these few short months you've been the bestest friend I have ever had. I don't want this to be the end of our memories. Please pull through this. I'm not ready for you to go." Fallon cried out. Kalyn's state was getting to Fallon too much at this point. She gently stroked Kalyn's blond hair before leaving the room. She made one last look through the small glass partition in the door before whipping her eyes and walking back to the waiting room.
Chad instantly channeled his gaze towards Fallon, his heart broke when he saw her face full of tears. She let out another cry as Chad ran up to her before she collapsed. "I miss her Chad, I miss her so much." Fallon sobbed into Chad's shoulder. "Shhh I'm here babe" Chad said brokenly as he held Fallon and gently rocked her as he stroked her hair. Everybody just looked at each other with tears beading at their eyes.This had to be the hardest thing any of them had to experience......

Comatose - Joey Stamper fanfic
FanfictionAfter Kalyn gets sent to the hospital and is put in a medically induced coma, the doctor tell Joey she has little chance of ever waking up. Between the doctors and the hospital Joey loses it and falls into a major depression. Will he become to lost...