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Dan opened his eyes when his phone buzzed.

From: Phil


Phil had only left around 20 minutes ago and he was already texting Dan, not that Dan was complaining. He smiled and made a quick reply.

To: Phil

Hello Philip :)

From: Phil

So u found my note...

To: Phil

It wasn't very hard to find

From: Phil

My plan is working muah ha ha

To: Phil

What plan???

Dan shook his head at Phil's weirdness but laughed, it was quite enduring if he was honest. He looked up in surprise when Chris burst through the door (or fell through it) looking more then a little tipsy. It was 9pm on a Monday night and Chris barely drunk leaving Dan a bit puzzled. "DAAANNNNN!" Chris screeched, getting up of the floor and stumbling to Dan's bed. "Chris! What the hell happened?" Dan asked, concerned to how Chris had gotten into such a state.  "Nothing happened! I'm good, its all goooodd.." Chris slurred. "Are you good Danny? I'm good. I worry about you Danny.. you know what? I love you Danielll!" He said, putting an arm around Dan's waist and smiling goofily. Chris looked at Dan for a second before leaning in and crashing their lips together messily, his breath reeking of alcohol. Dan's eyes widened at the sudden action and pushed him away, what was happening? "Chris what the hell?! What about your boyfriend?! What about Ben?!" Dan yelled. Chris' eyes brimmed with tears and he let them fall. "I'm so sorry Dan. Me and B-ben we, we broke up. Well he dumped me." Chris hiccupped. Dan hugged his friend and told him to go get showered seeing as he smelt like a dead goat. He then remembered Phil. He heard the shower being turned off and picked up his phone.

From: Phil

My plan to leave notes and slips of paper leading you to a killer octopus tank, obviously

Dan laughed to himself.

To: Phil

Oh yeah, that plan

Chris then came out wearing Pyjama bottoms and a towel round his head. His eyes were red from more crying but at least he smelt better. "What are you laughing about?" He asked, noticing Dan's smile. "Oh nothing." Dan said, going back to texting. Chris lunged at him, almost falling over again, and grabbing his phone. "Hey! Chris, give it back!" Dan said, trying to get it back and failing. "Who's Phil?" Asked Chris, giving back the phone and looking smug. "Just some guy I met earlier... it doesn't matter."       "A guy! Oh Daniel, when's the wedding?" Chris said, grinning. Dan was glad Chris was getting back to normal so quickly; well as normal as Chris could be. Dan just shook his head in response and got changed and into bed as Chis did the same. He switched off the light next to his bed and picked up his phone.

From: Phil

PJ demands to meet u so gud look with that

To: Phil

Oh god, im scared

From: Phil

u should be

"Dan will you turn off your fucking phone, I'm trying to sleep." Chris murmured grouchily.

To: Phil

I hav to go now, night Phil :D

From: Phil

Night Dan, don't let the octopuses bite!

To: Phil

Can octopuses bite?

From: Phil      attached picture

Yeah, look!

"Dan, shut up!"  "Sorry!"

To: Phil

Rlly hav to go now, nighty night

From: Phil


Sorry that was a bit late and short, please remember to vote and comment! xx

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