Chapter 3

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It had been about month since Cyrus had joined the the Akatuki and was now teamed up with Sasori and Deidara. Though Deidara still annoyed the crap out of her she thought she could eventually deal with it.

Today she would be doing her first job. It was quite an easy job. They just had to get this scroll from this library, deep in the Land of Lighting, that held many ancient scrolls in it. Though they couldn't just walk in it and take the scroll. The place was heavily guarded.

Cyrus followed behind Deidara and Sasori. Trees hung overhead as they walked down a dirt road to the library. Clouds covered the sky with the sun barely shining through. It was about mid day now. Cyrus could sense chakra in the distance. None of them seemed like any threat, or even any threat at all. She was thinking that she would have to sneak in and get the scroll. She doubted Sasori would get out of his puppet, and he didn't seem like the sneaking type. Neither did Deidara. She was a member of the Ambu so she was kids trained to be sneaky.

While Cyrus was deep in her thought Deidara and Sasori were busy bickering about who's art is better. That was also something that got on Cyrus' nerves. She just hoped that's she could get used to it.

Cyrus then sensed chakra that was heading there way. A vary powerful chakra. "Someone's coming" she said. Sasori and Deidara stopped and glanced back at her, well, Deidara did. Sasori just stared ahead till he saw what was coming. They all jump up into the trees hiding in the leaves. They too could probably sense the chakra. The chakra was coming from a jinchuuriki.

Not soon after they had disappeared from sight some Cloud ninja walked through. There were 4 of them. 2 of them were dressed as a regular Cloud ninja would. Though the other 2 dressed different. Cyrus just focused on the one with the powerful chakra. Shaggy blonde hair and glasses.

Cyrus could hear Neraomy growl. The blonde one is the 8 tails jinchuuriki he said with other growl. 8 tails Cyrus thought Turing her attention back to the jinchuuriki. He kept of repeating ya fool and ya know, not to mention all he did was rap.

After they had been out of sensory range Cyrus jumped down from the tree followed by Sasori and Deidara.

"The blonde one was the 8 tails jinchuuriki" Cyrsu said looking at where they had disappeared in the distance.

"The 8 tails un? Is that why you sounded so scared" Deidara mocked. Cyrus narrowed her eyes over at him. "Your a real pain in ass" Cyrus replied with a sigh. He then got that angry look on his face again.

"If you 2 are done we need to get that scroll" Sasori said. He was in his Hiruko puppet which he rarely came out of of. He always had this nasty look on his face when he was inside of Hiruko.

Cyrus took a step forward "I'll go get the scroll" she said. She glanced over at Deidara and Sasori who seemed to not have any objections.

"Just one thing" Sasori said while Cyrus' attention was on him, "don't keep me waiting." The way he had said in sent a little chill down her spin.

"Ill keep that in mind" Cyrus said. "And I can kill everyone in the library right?" She asked. "We were told to kill everyone afterword" Deidara gripped. "Just making sure" Cyrus said before she jumped into the trees.

She jumped from tree to tree, making sure her silvery red hair didn't catch in anything, till she found her self only a hop away from the library. She could sense about 6 ninja though she uses her rinneganin just to make sure. There were 7 ninja in the library. Though she didn't really want to kill anyone she didn't really have a choice. If she let them live they would most likely figure out about the Akatuki and just make things harder for them. She truly did believe it was for the better.

(To Be Deleted ) Silver Eye ||Naruto Akatuki Fanfic|| Discontinued Where stories live. Discover now