Dear Reader,

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I have come to apologize in advance for if I miss any deadlines in the near future. I have a very busy schedule, including swim team, starting high school, high school homework, high school year book pictures, learning to play piano, beginning work on a new novel, job hunting, mandatory social time (my mother thinks I need to spend time with people in person outside of school), family events, eating,  breathing, and the minuscule amount of free time I can possibly squeeze in so that I don't go insane. Not mention my panic over homecoming, the first school dance I have ever attended.

If you can figure out where I can fit countless hours of writing for you guys in then please tell me because you are my life. But I'm about to go crazy already, and I've been in school less than three weeks. Please forgive me because without you, I'm just a nerd with some files full of unread stories and many more great ones to come.

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