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Finn leaves me in front of the door of the shop. He offered himself to take me to the wedding shopping so I accepted since he has a wonderful car and I hate public transport. I feel good lately and all the blame is on him.

Well, blame sounds like if he's doing something bad, but he isn't. He just makes me happy.

"If you want me to pick you up, just call me, okay?"

"Okay" I reply closing the door and waving. I see he is checking I enter the shop safe. I get in and take some air before walking next to Mercedes, who is standing up pointing at the dresses with Santana and two friends of her.

"Hi, girls" I greet with a smile. Maybe I don't stand Mercedes but Santana supports me and it's nice that she is here. And I get to try on some bridesmaid dresses so, why not smile and be happy? The reason I hate Mercedes, although I won't admit it to anyone, is because Sam broke up with me and dated her. His career took most of his time, and he didn't have time for me but he does have time for Mercedes? Bullshit.

At this point, I don't know how, but I finally accepted the fact that he is a jerk and he doesn't deserve my love.

A while ago, before I met Finn, I would have said Sam broke up with me because I am a mess, a wreck, a boring little human that does nothing and just waits to be loved when she is nothing. But now, now I look at myself in the mirror and I see a really hot and beautiful girl. I always say that girl is amazing because she is, she is not "nothing", she is an awesome person with her own personality and likes. I am finally proud of being that girl.

Mercedes hugs me and so does Santana, but Santana hugs me tighter, because she knows I hate Mercedes.

"So, are we going to stand here all day?" I ask excited. Mercedes laughs and shakes her head. On the other hand, Santana raises an eyebrow.

"Of course not, come on let's go" We follow the lady who will help Mercedes with the dress and everything. She gives the lady, whose name is Marie, and us a description of what she is looking for. I look around and check for all the dresses.

"To be honest, I wish I was looking for my dress" Santana says looking at some dresses. I turn to look at her.

"Why do you say that?" I ask her leaving the dress.

"Because" She starts explain "I just- I don't know, I- Sorry"

"Oh, don't sorry me! Tell me!"

"Well, you know Brittany and I have been dating for a while now-"

"Five years is a while for you?" I ask her. I put my hand over my mouth realising I interrupted her "Sorry"

"I just love her so much and I don't know, maybe I want to spend the rest of my life with her..." She murmurs.

"Aww, that's so cute!"

"Maybe I ask her to marry me" She informs. I cover my mouth and clap "But what if she doesn't want to marry me?"

"Really, Santana?" I ask with my resting birch face "She will accept, of course she will, she loves you too. You both do" I tell her. She smiles.

"You think so?"

"Absolutely" I reply with a smile. She hugs me and I realise that if Santana loses Brittany right now, her whole world would break. You don't get this Santana usually. Only Brittany makes this Santana appear.

"Thanks, Rachel"

"No problem. I'm just a little sad over here, everyone is getting engaged and I am here so alone" I joke and she laughs.

"You're not alone"

"Yeah, yeah I know because I have my friends and stuff but I mean like-"

"He brought you, right?"

"Who?" She gives me a 'you know who' look "Finn?" She nods "Yeah, why?"

"I figured" She admits "You looked so happy and you look like that when you're with him"

"Yeah, I guess that's true but we were talking about me being alone"

"I know, just reminding you you have Finn"

"But I meant like-"

"I know what you mean" She says smiling before Mercedes comes close to us.

"Hey girls! I think I found some dresses to try and I looked for your dresses too"

"Oh, great!" Santana exclaims as she stops looking at the dresses. I stare at her leaving and Mercedes looks at me.

"What's up? You look quite excited" She asks.

"I guess I'm in a good mood" I answer with a smile. After that I leave and I feel her narrowing her eyes and analysing me.


"I think this one is the one, like is my dream dress!" Mercedes exclaims, for the fifth time. I'm starting to get really annoyed.

"Then you should take it, I think it looks good on you" I tell her.

"Only good?" She asks. I frown. Fuck, I don't want her to try anymore dresses and by Santana's expressions she doesn't want to either.

"No! I mean really good, like just take this one" She looks herself at the mirror one last time and nods.

"Okay, yeah I'm taking it" She says.

"Thanks god" I say under my breath and really low. Thankfully, no one hears it.

"And for you girls I think you'll go with this ones" She points at four dresses that are all the normal short and aubergine. I like the color, it's beautiful. She gives me one which is strapless, is quite simple yet it looks so elegant. I try it on and I really love it, I look incredibly gorgeous.

"Wow, I love it" I murmur looking myself at the mirror "Good choice, Mercedes, good choice..." I tell her.

"Thanks, I thought of a color which looked good on every one of you and I loved. This color is going to be all around the wedding, which is next week, by the way" My eyes widen. What the hell? Next week? They don't even have time to over think it and get so freaking nervous. And Finn? What's he going to wear?

"Mercedes, would you mind adding someone on the list of people who are going?" I ask her.

"Of course not! I still have time" She says "What name should I put in their place?"

"What place?"

"The tables, you know, when we have dinner"

"Oh, Finn Hudson" She writes down the name on a paper and leaves it on her purse.

"I'll make sure he's next to you" I nod and smile. I calm down for a second thinking everything will be okay, as long as he is beside me.


Shitty update, I know I know, no finchel moment but in the next chapter I promise I will write some!

By the way! There was this reader who commented this was like crack (@LoserLikeMaddy) and I laughed so hard like I'm so happy you guys love this so much! Thanks for the support and for the 3k reads! You guys are awesome so, please, stay awesome and amazing and being those lovely readers I love and I laugh with.

I love you so so much babes.

Laura xx

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