A fight to win (a letter to papa)

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Gone you are to win your fight.
Leaving your failure and sorrows behind.
The fear of yours has become your strength;
a rock solid strength I would rather say.
You are ready to face the monster called failure.
Don't panic of failing again,
I have seen that fire in your eyes.
A fire of determination,
a fire of faith in yourself.

You made mistakes in the past
but God gave you another chance.
Do you know why?
Because the Almighty has trusted you.
He wants you to achieve what you lost.
and he knows you wouldn't break His trust
He loves you.

Never dampen your zeal of what your critics say
Your daughter believes in you,
your family believes in you.
You are a fighter,
a real hero.

Go papa
and defeat your opponent.
No Satan can stop you now.
Trust the Almighty, trust yourself.

Author's Note: Dedicating this poem to my dad. He is away from us and has gone to win his fight. We will miss you. We love you.

And I'm not being poetic here. I shared my feelings writing it.

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