//Chapter 6//

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Beep, beep, beep.
"Shit," I said, getting up and smacking my alarm clock with the palm of my hand.
Michael furrowed his brows, his eyes still closed, both of which were barely visible through his blonde hair flipping over his face, and let out a groan. He opened his eyes, ruffling his hair with his hand in a quick motion, forcing it out of his face and back up to his forehead.
"Damn," he said, grunting as he pushed his body into a sitting position.
I stood up and stretched, my arms above my head, making a strange noise, like a moan mixed with a growl. I headed towards my closet, and Michael plunged for my ankle, grabbing it and causing me to lose balance and fall back onto my bed.
"Look, Michael, I would love to stay in bed with you, but I sorta have to get ready for school," I said, flicking my bangs out of my eyes, a sleepy grin crossing Michael's face.
"I had hopes," he said.
I stood up and made it to my closet without interruptions, and pulled out a black t-shirt that said "COBAIN" across the front in golden letters, along with the black and red flannel that still somehow smelled like Michael. I also grabbed out a pair of black skinnies with rips all the way down from mid-thigh to shin.
I looked at Michael, and saw he was already pulling off his shirt he had slept in and pulling on a plain white sweater, and rolled up the sleeves. He noticed me watching and a smile crossed his pale face.
He was still wearing the black skinnies with the holes in either knee, and he was either wearing them again today or waiting for me to exit the room.
"I shall make a frightful journey to thou toilet," I said. "Unlike some human beings that roam this earth, I shan't get undressed before another, as I have, how you say, breasts." Michael automatically started choking with laughter, causing me to start laughing as well. I didn't think that was funny at all, I was just being a derp, but Michael's laughter is so contagious.
I walked out into the hall, and to the bathroom.
I wonder.
I turned on the faucet on the sink to find water spurting out.
Wonder how my parents did that one.
I slipped off my shirt and pants, and, with some trouble, pulled up my black skinnies.
After I was dressed, I brushed my teeth and headed back to the room, opening the door to find Michael laying on the bed, staring at the ceiling. He had changed his pants to an even skinnier pair of leather-looking jeggings.
I looked at the clock: 6:20.
"Lets just leave early," I said. "No reason hanging here."
I pulled on my knockoff black low-top converse, and spritzed on my perfume a few more times, since I hadn't had a shower in half a week, but making sure not to spray it on Michael's flannel.
Michael did the same with his cologne, because seeing as we're both pubescent teenagers, we probably both need a shower.
We'll take them tonight or something.
We made our way through the empty living room, our footsteps echoing through the clear space.
"You can sit with me and Luke and Cal today," he said. "I mean, if you want."
"Why wouldn't I?" I replied. "And speaking of Calum, what is he? Like, he's not Asian, is he? He looks Hawaiian or something."
Michael started laughing, and I got confused.
"He's this thing called Kiwi," Michael said. "He even has a t-shirt that says 'I AM NOT ASIAN.'"
"It'd be nice if he'd been wearing that shirt yesterday," I said. "It'd save my embarrassment."
He smiled as I closed the door and locked it behind me, making sure I had grabbed my key on the way out. I stuck it in the smallest pocket of my book bag.
"Do you need your school stuff from your house?" I asked.
"No, I leave it in my locker," he said. "But now would be a good time to get some of my stuff out."
I nodded, and we ended up on Michael's street in about two minutes' time.
His parents' car was in the driveway. He decided to climb through his window, which somehow didn't seem weird to me at all.
"I never lock it," he said. "No point in someone breaking in, I have nothing they'd wanna take. So I don't have to worry about that. It saves those awkward times walking past my parents passed out half on the couch and half on the floor."
I wonder how it'd never crossed my mind to do that.
He slid the window open with ease, lifting a leg up and pushing himself Into his room. I didn't know if he expected me to follow, so I just stood there and waited.
He came back in about two minutes with a large black book bag crammed with stuff, and also wearing a backwards black snapback.
"What all'd ya get?" I asked, eyeballing his book bag.
"Clothes," he said. "I don't really have anything else worth getting, so this is it."
"Not even your bed?" I asked with a playful smirk.
"Why would I need that if I have yours?" he replied cheekily, returning the smirk.
That sentence gave me butterflies and chills and made my heart skip a beat all at once. Cheeky Michael is so fucking hot. I can't.
We ventured back to my house in silence, and I could feel Michael looking at me every minute or so, and slightly see it from the corner of my eye.
Once at my house, I unlocked the door and he tossed his bag onto the floor, and I locked back the door as we started heading to school.
"The drummer bitch's audition is today, what's his name? Alex.. No," he said, as we made our way down the sidewalk, looking at me in question.
"Ashton," I said. My memory has always been pretty vast, I tend to remember really stupid things, like something my brother said a year ago about how he thinks Selena Gomez is "way hotter than Taylor Swift".
"Yeah. Think I can convince the boys his middle name is Chlamydia?" he asked with a grin
"Totally," I said.
We arrived on school grounds and started making our way to the doors.
"What's your classes?" Michael asked.
I proceeded to tell him all my classes in order, and we found we have last period, chemistry, together.
Haha, cliché.
It's killing me.
I headed to my locker, parting ways with Michael for the school day.
After a lecture on the Cold War, a long class full of essays, and a few algebraic equations, it was lunch time.
I made my way alone to the cafeteria, getting in line for lunch. I always get there nearly before anyone else, so I got my lunch and sat down at my normal table, alone.
But not for that long.
Michael entered the cafeteria, followed by Calum, then lastly, Luke. They looked at me, and saw I was alone. I pretended I hadn't seen them, and continued eating my flavorless mashed potatoes.
Calum and Luke went to the lunch line, which was now extra long, while Michael came and sat across the table from me.
"We'll come sit with you," he said. I nodded as he got back up and got in line with Luke and Calum, who I had just realized was wearing the "I AM NOT ASIAN" shirt. It took only about three minutes for them to all get through the line, while I was expecting more like ten.
When they sat down, people looked. I guess it seemed pretty strange three guys would sit next to me, the fake, the loner, the bitch.
We started talking casually through the slight silence that had formed around the room, and the people realized there was nothing to look at and got back to their business.
Teenagers are so judgmental.
Michael was sitting across from me, Calum beside him, and Luke beside me.
I looked to Calum.
I pressed my hands together in a prayer motion, bowing my head as I said,
Now that I know he's not Asian, it made the look on his face even funnier.
"Konichi-- What?" he asked.
Michael had a huge grin on his face, as did Luke.
"You know, konichiwa," I said, repeating the bow, trying not to smile.
"Oh, okay," he said in mock understanding, bowing his head also. "Konichiwa."
We continued eating, talking about anything from how this school must be really low-budgeted to have such low quality food, to the weather, which happens to be getting colder as mid-November creeps in on us.
"When's your birthday?" Michael asked me.
For some reason, I had to think about it for a second. I haven't had a birthday party since I was in the beginning of sixth grade.
"Novemberrrrrrr," I said, trying to remember the date, "twentieth."
He gaped at me for a second.
"Mine too," he said.
"Really?" I asked.
He nodded.
"I hope we're not long lost twins separated at birth because that would make some things pretty awkward," he said.
I dismissed that instantly, because my parents used to be nice people, and they'd never keep a secret of me having a twin.
Plus, both of my parents and all my grandparents had either brown or black hair, so blonde wouldn't suddenly come out of no where, seeing as Jupiter and I both have brown hair, too.
"Very," I said, remembering the kiss, and mentally gagging at the idea of Michael being an older version of Jupiter.
That's nasty.
After lunchtime was over, we threw our styrofoam trays in the trash and headed to our next class.
After lunch for juniors, there are two more classes, mine being Spanish, then chemistry.
I headed to Señora Martinez's class.
We aren't allowed to speak English in her class, only her when she is teaching us what new words mean, and us when she asks us what those Spanish words mean in English.
"Buenas tardes, Señora Martinez," I said, walking into class and sitting in my seat in the far back in the left side.
After learning farm animals in Spanish, and Señora Martinez trying to get it through a dumbass named Jarett's brain that horse isn't cuh-ball-oh, its cuh-bye-oh, the bell rang, signaling three minutes to get to our next period.
I'm always the last to get out the door, because I'm a generally slow walker and because I'm in the back of the class.
Once I arrived, I realized why I had never noticed Michael.
His seat is all the way to the right in the front row, being on the opposite side of the room that the door is on, and people are already in their seats, blocking him from view without standing I'm front of his seat by the whiteboard in the front of the class. I had to stand on my tiptoes to see him over the heads of the others.
My seat was the last row, second seat, so I was on the opposite side from him.
Mr. Walkins, our chemistry teacher, who was a balding man with large ears and thick glasses, walked to the front of the room.
"Good afternoon, class. Today we're going to do a lab with hydrochloric acid. You guys may pick your partners, but I will split you up if there are any issues."
I automatically looked to Michael, adjusting my position and leaning forward in my seat so I could see him. He jerked his head back, and when our eyes met, he smiled, meaning a "yes" to being partners.
Everyone was finding their partners and sitting in random seats, and Michael came and sat beside me in the empty seat to my left. After everyone settled, Mr. Walkins announced that these will be our permanent seats for as long as we can handle them.
This is why he's my favorite teacher.
So after our lab, the class was over and Michael and I waited for everyone else to go, and parted ways to go to our lockers, meeting back up at the front of our school. We started heading to Luke's house for this drummer bitch's audition.
We walk really slow, so by the time we got there it was about half an hour after school ended. Luke and Calum were already there when we arrived, Luke again holding the door open for us. We sat in the same places we sat in the last time I was here.
"Konichiwa," I said to Calum casually.
"Konichiwa," he replied, a cute little smile on his Kiwi face.
"This Ashton guy is supposed to be here in like," Luke says, checking his watch, "five minutes." He walked over after closing the door and plopped in his spot beside Michael.
"His middle name is Chlamidia," Michael said, surprisingly keeping a straight face. "I texted him the other night, asked for his full name as part of his 'application'. His middle name is Chlamidia."
"What the actual hell," Luke said. "And how'd you get his number?"
"You gave it to me, dumbass," Michael said, laughing.
"Oh yeahhh," Luke said. "And that was an unnecessary word. You hurt my feelings."
"You have no feelings. Just a jet black hole where your heart should be," Michael replied.
"That is NOT true, I totally have feelings, and you just hurt them."
"That's physically impossible if they didn't exist in the first place."
"Ladies, ladies, you're both pretty," Calum interrupted.
"Aw, thank you!" they said simultaneously, then gave each other the death stare.
I was trying not to laugh when the doorbell rang.
Luke stood up and walked to the door, and opened it to reveal a shorter boy with thick blonde hair the same style as Michael's and Luke's, wearing a purple t-shirt and black skinny jeans.
"You must be Ashton," Luke said, holding the door open. "Enter."

Hey guys!
Sorry it's been a while. I guess my house isn't getting Internet after all. Grrr. I promise I'll update as often as I can!!

Michael actually did convince the others in rl that Ashton's middle name is Chlamidia. So I'm not being totally random.
Be sure to vote and comment!! Thank youuuuu :)

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